scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Here's your racist
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
OK, they're in full throttle "It's Racist!!" at less than a year into this Presidency.
What are they gonna claim for the rest of the term?
9/16/09, 1:56 AM
Anonymous said...
Did you use Dennis Kucinich's or John Edward's hair for "Whiter Bama"
Incredibly unprepared and incompetent socialist narcissist?
Old Jimma never ceases to amaze....
9/16/09, 2:33 AM
Anonymous said...
RAK.... "It's Bush's fault"
9/16/09, 3:16 AM
JMcD said...
There has been racism and racists since the beginning of time, and there always will be....At present, in the USA, the biggest racists are black Liberals, black Socialists, and black Communists.....Second place belongs to Latino liberals, Latino Socialists, and Latino Communists.....There are some ties for third place.
9/16/09, 3:31 AM
Anonymous said...
The 2nd worse (held the 1st title for decades) President in history has been surpassed by Captain Zer0 yet Jimmah still fights for the title.
9/16/09, 6:35 AM
Anonymous said...
Where's a wabid wabbit when you need one?
9/16/09, 6:54 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
The pictures are unattributed PS I plucked from the web.
9/16/09, 7:29 AM
- Grumpyunk said...
They are creating a self fulfilling prophesy & don't even realize it.
When 2 million folks march down into Washington DC with firearms instead of signs next time they still won't get it. -
9/16/09, 9:54 AM
- Wild Thing said...
Hamas breath Carter needs to be put
out to pasture....oh wait he already is, then why can't he shut up. Oh how I wish he would go away, far far away. "To the Moon Alice" (thank you Jackie Gleason) -
9/16/09, 11:46 AM
- Unknown said...
I had something to say about this question of racism the other day. What's your idea, that there no one is racist?
9/16/09, 2:29 PM
- cmblake6 said...
Jimmah is just overwhelmed he is no longer the worst President in American history. So of course he's all over it!
9/16/09, 4:08 PM
Anonymous said...
I know where the SOB is going to be on the 21st and can provide recon if anyone wants to take care of this.
9/16/09, 7:07 PM
Anonymous said...
Ted Kennedy is dead and buried. Carter and Castro can't be far behind. Please!
9/16/09, 7:59 PM