And then there was only Sarah Jindal to GOP: Work with Obama |
Where did this Bobby Jindal go? |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Seeking common ground with evil? FU
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Kristophr said...
Working with the Dems will get you nothing. -
9/30/09, 11:33 AM
Anonymous said...
Yeah, I was holding off on him until I heard more. I've now officially heard enough. He's a McCain Repub, meaning he won't get a vote from me. For less than a six-figure check, that is.
9/30/09, 1:13 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
If you look at past performance it's hard to see McCain Republican. He was the first to refuse Scamulus money, and the WSJ article I referenced was a raw Libertarian. Maybe I missed something, but I didn't miss this. Wait, he realizes what he's done, he'll have an epiphany and say "that's not what I meant," He's another Romney Republican.
9/30/09, 3:21 PM
Anonymous said...
Most likely a Spector Repub- see which way the wind is blowing, then go that way. If that's the case his timing is way off.
9/30/09, 3:51 PM
Anonymous said...
All you have to do to see who the SBCS liberals fear is to se who their lapdogs attack. They aren't attacking anyone on our side with the hair on fire frenzy with which they are attacking Sarah. Hands down-end of discussion. BTW have you noticed the mime about her being a quitter is no where to be found?
Of all the potentials on our side, she is the one with the conservative street cred. She fought her own party's corruption in Alaska and that has got the RINOs in our party clenching their anus. She engineered one of the largest corporate domestic projects in our history. Her first day as Wasila's mayor gave her one day more experience then our current Doofus Hipster in Chiefs'.
Her values are rock solid. I would trust her to stand up for us. Can you see her galavanting all over the world, trashing this country and bowing to sheiks?
Jindal, Huckabee, even Romney wouldn't come close to the fire Sarah Palin would ignite in conservatives. If she started to travel in early 2010 around the country and getting involved in some close races, I would bet my last donut you would see hysteria on the left that makes their current ravings look like fairy tales being whispered to your almost asleep baby. GUARANTEE-and ask yourself why?
They are scared to death of her.
MM -
9/30/09, 5:27 PM
molonlabe28 said...
Good assessment, Rodge.
I am getting pumped about the release of "Going Rogue".
I am sick and tired of Rinos and others extolling the virtues of bipartisanship (e.g. cutting crappy deals with Democrats) instead of taking a principled stand, arguing your beliefs passionately in the well of the House or Senate and voting your conscience.
When I was young, I would see impassioned speeches on the floor of the House or Senate almost every night on the evening news.
Now we have awful legislation which bears some nonsensical, patriotic or downright false moniker (e.g. the Patriot Act).
I agree that the left and the other Republicans are scared to death of Sarah. -
9/30/09, 5:32 PM
- B....... said...
Didn't seem too damning to me - course I'm a bit obtuse at times. All Jindal was saying was for the Republicans to work on getting their slant on health care including:
Coverage of pre-existing conditions
Access across state lines and jobs
Malpractice reform
Medicare and Medicaid reform
Expanding health-savings accounts and insurance purchasing pools.
Mostly private health insurance options. What am I missing? -
9/30/09, 6:06 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
That's what he said in the WSJ last June. That's not the tone he's taking today.
9/30/09, 6:27 PM
- Kristophr said...
B: it's a fucking trap.
The text of the legislation they "help" the Dems with could say nothing more than "Puppies can be nice", and it will morph into the full socialist monte the second it clears all the committees.
We get NOTHING for working with these clowns but grief. -
9/30/09, 11:01 PM
- B....... said...
"We get NOTHING for working with these clowns but grief"
Agree with you there Kristopher.
But that has nothing to do with Jindal's desire to offer an alternative private based plan which includes the points I listed above.
From the link:
Louisiana Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal urged his party Tuesday to shift to offering health care solutions instead of just rejecting what President Barack Obama and the Democratic majority in Congress are proposing. -
10/1/09, 12:51 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
B: - Health care does not need fixing, except for government to get out of the way. Had Jindal meant to say that he should have, but he didn't. Instead he gave his imprimatur to the idea that government has a role in this. My guess is that he sees Romney as his competition for 2012, and doesn't want to be positioned too far to his right. That's what I think. But I'll stipulate that my preference to lead the country right now is limited to one person, Me. Everyone else will disappoint. Disappoint Me.
. -
10/1/09, 9:47 AM
- B....... said...
Health care does not need fixing
Couldn't see the forest for the trees could I. Thanks Rodge.... -
10/1/09, 3:40 PM