ACLU loses one-fourth of yearly donations |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
ACLU loses one-fourth of yearly donations |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Neither the Second Amendment nor the Constitution, gives, grants, allows, or any other stupid word, the right to keep and bear arms. It enumerates and guarantees the existing right only. If it granted the right then repealing the amendment would remove the right. If the right exists independent of the Constitution then it is inalienable.
Lifted from TexasFred.
I read somewhere that he also had a chunk of dough invested with Bernie Madoff. Is there such a thing as double schadenfreude?
Tom M.
Look at the link for the survey; USA Today, November 2007. It makes the circuit of Teh Intarwebs about every three months, right after the one about the $50/gun/year tax/registration proposal that the Illinois RINO wrote and couldn't get a co-sponsor for or out of committee.
That poll has been circulating since November 2007. It is totally baseless since it can be voted on as many times as possible. I cannot tell you how many times it has been forwarded to me. The correct answer is 'NO" !!!!. Evidently, 96% of those that voted do not understand their rights or the U. S. Constitution. The Second Amendment does NOT give U.S. citizens the right to bear arms. The First 10 Amendments to the Constitution, commonly called the Bill of Rights do not grant any rights whatsoever. They are LIMITATIONS on what the government can do to us! They should be called the Bill of Limitations. We have natural law rights that were "endowed by our Creator". No government can grant rights. We already have them just by being born. Government only has the power to only take rights away.
What the 2A does, as the rest of the Bill of Rights, is to tell the Government what are they NOT supposed to mess with. It restricts the Government, period. Does not grant any rights to the people.
David Gelbaum (Very Rich Left Wing Jewish Guy)
Chairman of the Board
Entech Solar, Inc.
Pennington , NJ
Sector: SERVICES / Technical Services
Director , Axion Power International, Inc.
New Castle , PA
Sector: INDUSTRIAL GOODS / Industrial Electrical Equipment
Director , Clean Power Technologies
Calgary , AB
Sector: SERVICES / Business Services
Director , Energy Focus, Inc.
Solon , OH
Sector: CONSUMER GOODS / Business Equipment
Director , ThermoEnergy Corporation
Little Rock , AR
Sector: INDUSTRIAL GOODS / Waste Management
60 Years Old
Mr. Gelbaum was appointed to the Board on February 20, 2008 and became Chairman on January 12, 2009. Mr. Gelbaum is the co-trustee of The Quercus Trust which, pursuant to rights given to The Quercus Trust as the holder of the Company's Series D Convertible Redeemable Preferred Stock and in accordance with the terms and conditions of a letter agreement between the Company and The Quercus Trust entered into in connection with The Quercus Trust's purchase of Series F Convertible Preferred Stock (which automatically converted into common shares upon the conclusion of the Company's special meeting of stockholders held on July 26, 2008), has nominated four directors to the Board. Mr. Gelbaum is one such director. Mr. Gelbaum has been a private investor since 2002. From 1989 until 2002, Mr. Gelbaum performed quantitative modeling for stock price returns and derivative securities for TGS Management, and from 1972 until 1989 he worked at Oakley & Sutton
That is a finite point that most do not get.
The Bill of Rights does not, nor can any paper, give any individual or group of people rights or freedoms. Only God, or if you prefer, "nature" gives you those rights.
It RESTRICTS the rights of the government.
Nelson Muntz laugh..."HA-ha"
Betcha Mr. Gelbaum has been living off the aspirations of greenie investors and govt grants while chasing pie in the sky. The Ponzi is running out because his companies never delivered marketable technology.
Just a guess.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick