Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Another Job Lost - thanks to gummint

Grumpy Gov't Bans Adorable
Nametag-Wearing Lab From Gas Station


Karim Mansour, the store and dog owner, received a warning: Remove the dog or the Florida Department of Agriculture would declare all of Mansour's food products — mostly bottled sodas, Slim Jims and candy bars — unfit for consumption.  [Story]

 Yeh yeh yeh ... the health inspector was just doing his job.  As he saw it. Mary Katherine Ham asks, Is it any wonder we're all anti-statists now?

Support for a free market economy remains strong despite the extended recession and last fall’s Wall Street meltdown.

 A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 76% of voters now say a free market economy is better than one managed by the government. Only 10% prefer an economy managed by the government.

 Those figures are virtually identical to the numbers from April and a slight increase in support from a year ago.

It's one thing for government to operate so incompetently as to have lost more faith during this historically bad economic downturn than the markets they've been blaming for it all year, but to go after our anthropomorphic puppy cashiers? This is the last straw.


JohnO said...

Well that sux. Hey, he was wearing a hair net (of sorts).

The Old Man said...

The government boy (or girl) was just being a management drone. I wonder if it would have helped if the owner claimed Cody was an illegal...

Kristophr said...

Obviously the government is causing this person stress and inflicting a mental disability on him.

The dog should be declared working disability dog, and allowed to continue to relieve the store owner of state caused stress.

The state can also help him with this disability by sending this inspector off for training, preferably at McMurdo Station in Antarctica.

Anonymous said...

food? chips and dips??

Anonymous said...

That's it, I've had it. When the statist MFCS start picking on Labs I lose my shit. I'd like to see him issue that order when it's a Rottie with 20 pounds of balls still attached.

Col/Cpl Mark

Anonymous said...

Kristopher, you've got something there. A disability dog: Many smiling faces will be disabled without Cody. ;-]

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