scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Perhaps it's because I have not yet had my second morning martini, but those 2 black splotches on the bacon are bring back memories of NASA's Viking 1 Face on Mars photo. I'm getting such a creepy feeling. Anyway, back to the liquor cabinet, and thanks for the bacon tip Rodge.......
That was distracting, so I scraped the black off.
I always welcome tips on improving my bacon intake. Thank you so much.
It's another case of cheaper is not always better, sometimes you really do get more for your money when you buy the good stuff.
We've taken to baking the bacon on a sheet in the oven when making enough for everyone. It shrinks less and cooks evenly. I recently saw Alton Brown cooking it in a waffle maker. I bet a George Foreman Grill does a nice job.
WV: distory: [n] The inaccurate Liberal version of history.
But, with so little fat displacement, you'll need to cook about 100 lbs of bacon to yield enough goodness to make a batch of biscuits (not that 100 lbs of bacon is bad thing...)
Makes me wanna park in front of CAIR HQ, drop the tailgage, fire up the camp stove, and fry up a batch.
I bought some bacon the other day that was lacking in flavor.
Pulled out the bacon salt from Woot and fixed it right up.
Won't buy that bacon again, but the Bacon salt made it good and flavorful.
The wifey has me on some stupid diet where I have to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast, bacon and fish or chicken for lunch and steak and yard waste for dinner.
Sounds dumb to me, but have offed 22 lbs so far this month.
low carb diet
panko bacon?
That really looks superb! I must buy that next time!
We also cook our bacon in the oven. Cept we put it on the cookie cooling rack and then put it on a baking sheet with a high lip on all sides. Catches all the bacon FAT and separates it. Comes out real crisp. Trick is when it's done, you gotta take your spatula and take it off the rack as soon as it comes out otherwise it will stick. Also the longer you leave it in there, the crispier and dryer it becomes. To the point of melts in your mouth.
depending on the thickness of the bacon it's about 20 - 25 mins at a 400•F oven.
Now I am always in charge of making the bacon, but if I let my husband make it, case in point what happened yesterday, it comes out raw and inedible. hehe
DougM can we use a koran to fule the fire?