1994 Déjà vu |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
1994 Déjà vu |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Rotten Boroughs produce weak politicians. They never learn the real lessons of politicking. BO is one of these, as was GHWB. A lifetime of climbing the political ladder prepares one to listen closely to the polity. Those who win their seats by theft or lottery aren't the real deal, and ultimately fail when the chips are down. Those who've earned their way to a seat understand what they're dealing with.
I think he is George Soros's bitch !
Casca, your description brings to mind LBJ. Like most here on C&S I didn't like most of his policies, but that man was the definition of a Politician, a true SOB at it (and I do mean that in a good way).
Turing word: matrat. Yeah, that also describes Johnson.
LBJ was a crook, and an asshole, but he knew how to play the game. He screwed everyone, even his mentor Sam Rayburn, and the republic most of all. In '68 he folded his hand, because he knew it was a loser. This crowd won't do that, and when they lose, they'll be shocked. We will all collectively suffer through the last two years of his one and only term, much like we did with Carter.
Now etched into marble Casca.
Obastard simply needs to give his Beretta a blow job.
most politically tone deaf
He is deafened by the brass bands of his ego.
I'm going to enjoy it when the rogue wave in Narcissus' reflecting pond breaks over his swollen head.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
Yes, LBJ was an SOB. But, he had faced challenges in his life, had his failures, and overcame them (read Cairo's trilogy on LBJ, its magnificent history and wonderful writing). As a result of struggling, he knew his limitations.
Those limitations bit him on the ass during the primaries of 1968. He was smart enough to know when it was endgame.
THE WON, however, has never had a challenge. Prior to 2008, he won his elections by eliminating the opposition prior to the election. People were always so impressed with the "...clean, articulate..." "...Negro who didn't speak in ghetto dialect..." that things came easy to him without effort. He was/is a true affirimative-action baby.
The 2008 election was won for HIM by guilt-ridden white voters who sought to purchase race indulgences with their ballot.
Most of us here at this site saw the empty suit quite early and nothing about THE WON's floundring around has surprised us. Perhaps the only surprise is how quickly it occurred.
I hope HE's only a one term President. However, I never underestimate the stupidity of people in large groups. Remeber the voters passed up Barry Goldwater (my hero) in 1964 for LBJ. Look how well that worked out.
MAJ Mike (self-appointed Barn Army Beer Whisperer)
What we need, simply enough put, is another Ronaldus Maximus. AND a Congress that will back his plays.
Dear BOB! Can you imagine?
MAJ Mike - nice synopsis.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
First off, this use of the phrase Ronaldus Maximus is sick-making. If we are going to assign cutsie-pie names to him, how about Ronaldus Amnestius.
Fine. Reagan was, in general, a good president. But his stance on amnesty is not something this country can afford to repeat.
Next time, I want a true conservative that will leave me the hell alone, and will respect the Constitution.
- the friendly grizzly