you ready for the Great Recession of 2011–2012? You should be, for it
is getting under way even as you read this. Just as the 2009 “greatest
economic crisis since the Great Depression” actually began back in
2007, so we are in the early days of the next cycle. Only this
recession is going to be a doozy. And the aftershocks will be felt long
after President Hillary Clinton leaves the White House in 2024.
The coming crisis should be no surprise, for we all have had plenty of
advance warning. If it is a surprise, blame those chat-show economists
who have become so politicized that they ignore the truths of their own
science in order to acquire celebrity. Nor should we forget those
politicians who deliberately suborn national interest for the security
of zero-sum pork-barrel politicking. Combine it all with a news media
largely made up of self-referential ignoramuses and it is small wonder
that most of the world has been diverted as Dorothy was in Oz by the
lightning bolts, explosions, and billowing smoke screen being generated
by the men behind the curtain. The truth is our wizards dare not admit
that the levers they pull are not really connected to the true crisis
that confronts America or its place in the global market.
Despite the self-congratulatory assurances from the White House,
Congress, and part of Wall Street that we have been saved from a slide
into a 1930s depression, our most serious trials still lie ahead of us.
” |
is obviously not what I wanted to see this morning, but it does comport
with what I've believed probable since at least October of 2008, and more so with each passing day. But,
I think we here in the USofA are better positioned than most of the
world, and this will be a world-wide "thing." Why? First,
we Americans are uniquely prepared by our nature, and in practice, to
act independently. The only thing to ever stop us in our industry has been intrusive government. CLIP
“ |
One has to feel a twinge of sympathy for the people who have
chosen careers of service in government—not just in Washington
but in all the capitals of the industrial West. Life just is not
going to be as uplifting as it once was back when policy
innovations were both credible and idealistic. |
” |
This, I think, is why Big Sister refers to us "as big of a concern as international terrorists."
But, think about it. We have as much oil as the Arabs, but have
been stopped from using it by a government catering to a
minority. We have other natural resources up the wazoo. We
have the most productive agriculture in the world. We are an
armed nation, willing to protect ourselves from outside threats.
I see only long term opportunity, and a return to values that made as a
great nation. We know how to make lemonade. Hooray for us,
and get the hell out of the way.
PS. I updated When