remember a quotation, but not the author, that went something like
this. "What your child is taught in the first grade will take a
lifetime to unteach."
A good many hard core democrats I know growed up in households like
this. Where granny preached on how grampa had his skull cracked
at Matewan back in '19. Yessiree . By goons sent in
by the Republican governor, at the request of mine owners intent on
breaking the strike. Or, somesuch. Ain't nuthin' what gonna make
them vote for a Republican. Nothing.
They are the original "would vote for a yellow dog if it
were labeled democrat." Those grannies were first grade
American Jews, it seems to me, are similarly afflicted by eons of
misguided, or misdirected rules for being socially responsible, a
pathway to progressive politics of the third kind. I have no idea
what's in that toxic olio, but it's 95% strong. So, I view
this headline most