Putting a Price Tag on the Melting Ice Caps
Reports about the melting ice caps are distressing, but for the most
part climate change remains abstract. The poor polar bear has been
trotted out as the tangible face of global warming so often that we're
beginning to see "polar bear fatigue." How about bringing the effects of
Arctic melt close to home, as in what it will cost? A new study does
just that, and the results are alarming, not just for Arctic dwellers
but for all of us. According to lead author Eban Goodstein, Ph.D., over
the next 40 years Arctic ice melt will take an economic toll of between
$2.4 trillion and $24 trillion. Unless we change course — and fast. ( continued)
I looked to see if this was dated April 1, last night. I'm left with little to add, except " rabid dogs."
Oh, London's Daily Mail was simultaneously reporting "Increase in Arctic ice confounds doomsayers"
And, how precious is this? Watts up with that?,
voted the Web's Best Science Blog, and go-to destination for reading
about AWG fraud, has this Google generated ad on page one.

You can't make this s--t up!