Thursday, April 22, 2010

Obama's Himmler (and Holder's Schicklgruber)

Eric Holder blocks
polling-place investigation
Boned Jello
Justice Department blocks polling-place investigation
Now the Justice Department is obstructing the U.S. Civil Rights Commission's investigation into this case. If two white men had donned police uniforms or white robes and terrorized a voting place, we can be certain the Justice Department would have brought the full force of the law to bear against the perpetrators and vindicated the right to vote - and properly so. In this case, however, the perpetrators were black, and the uniforms they wore bore the insignia of the New Black Panther Party, a black supremacist organization.

Sanctimonious Pelosi goon Henry Waxman's Government Reform Committee, would today be in its 16th month of investigations had this been a Republican Administration.    Holder and Obama are today's Lenin-Dzerzhinsky
(Or Hitler-Himmler)

  - Pure evil.  And speaking of Obamumists ..

Bill would widen Clean Water Act
House Democrats pushed forward Wednesday with an effort to delete the word "navigable" from the ..

Battle lines forming over court shortlist
Members of both political parties began drawing battle lines Wednesday after President Obama met with ...


JMcD said...

There's a couple guys who belong in, as the old commedian used to say, "the hospital place".

Anonymous said...

Great, first Sotomayor and now Keagan-two angry, bitter dykes that hate this country and will use the power of the SC to change it to their taste-from what I've seen of Sotomayor so far, she's 1) a fairly dim bulb and 2) she's living up to her racial/identity political upbringing.

Keagan OTOH strikes me as pretty sharp, she'll be the worst possible choice for the SC.

The Constitution? HAHAHA We don need no stikin' Constitution.

So that will make 3 homosexuals(Souter pegs my gay meter) on the SC, 33% of the total compared to a national average of ~2%.

Not that there's anything wrong with that...huh?

Anonymous said...

MM, Souter just left, June 2009. I thought Sotomayor took his place. And, yes, the 'dar is pinging loudly...

Anonymous said...

You're right dude-guess I'm getting spacey

Anonymous said...

Just for the record, y'all realize that if they pass that "delete the word "navigable" " thing, the rain that falls on your roof and runs down your downspouts Will Belong To The Army Corpse of Engineers.

The FEDS will OWN all the water. ALL of it.

what could possibly go wrong....

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