It can't have come as a surprise that one of the now entrenched myths
about America—namely, its ongoing victimization of Muslims—should have
been voiced again by a leading citizen of our myth-producing capital,
Hollywood. The citizen was Tom Hanks, and the occasion his March
interview in Time Magazine in which he declared that our battle with
Japan in World War II was one of "racism and terror." And that, he
noted, should remind us of our current wars.

Since the events of Sept. 11, we've seen the growth of a view that
American Muslims became prime victims of those terror attacks—isolated,
fearful, targets of hostility. President George W. Bush, who went to
Washington D.C's Islamic Center a few days after the terror assaults,
told his audience that Islam was about peace and warned that the
nation's Muslims must be free to go about without fear or intimidation
by other Americans—remarks he doubtless thought were called for under
the circumstances.
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