Saturday, May 08, 2010

Ruh-Roh The markets have figured it out

Thank You Obmamanator

Boned Jello

In late April Anthem Insurance had a 39% rate increase turned down by the California commissariat, and  Obama called for an investigation of the company's officers.  At the time I thought three things, in this order:
  1. You'da thunk California would have learned a lesson about ignoring market forces, from the the Gray Davis era energy crisis.  Remember? The  state suffered from multiple large-scale black-outs, one of the state's largest energy companies collapsed?  Governor Davis was recalled, and replaced by the Trickenator.
  2. This is exactly what Obamunists want.  Insurance companies go bust, gummint has a monopoly.
  3. Thug
I was reminded of this after reading this Doug Ross beauty.

Internal AT&T presentation: we'll save $4.1 billion a year if we drop all employee health care benefits

Obama is, as we speak, crowing about how we have already begun to reap  the Obamacare reward.  Here's Mr. Ross again.

Like the Soviet central planners of a bygone era, today's Democrats are marching us into an abyss of unintended consequences for our entire health care system. They're pushing us, shoving us, against our will, over a cliff of fiscal irresponsibility. They're killing a legacy of prosperity that we could otherwise bequeath to subsequent generations.

Here's the deal.  If the opposition party does not gain control of congress in Novemeber, and repeal Obamacare (and just about everything else Obamunists have grabbed), then  XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


Arthur said...

"If the opposition party does not gain control of congress"

What opposition party is that? Lindsey Graham, Huckabee, Romney, Michael Steele, that POS McCain and the rest of the FSCK'ing statist GOP 'Elite'?

Good luck with that.

Anonymous said...

If the opposition party does not gain control of congress in November look to Greece for what will happen and add in the 200 million guns Americans own.
Not a pretty picture. That's why we must take both houses of Congress.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Except the consequences are deliberate, NOT "unintended".

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