Sunday, June 13, 2010

World According To Cord

The Alvin Greene Saga's
Racist Underbelly

In the years since the United States began electing officials, her citizens have deemed fit for office everyone from convicted felons to Sarah Palin  ... . Cord Jefferson, The Brown Table

Boned Jello
The World According to Cord

The angst displayed by Democrats, Blacks included,  after Alvin Greene won South Carolina’s Democratic Senate primary is, according to the author, " ... tainted by the ugly stains that so frequently mar America’s political processes: racism and classism."

What horsecrap. 

Sen. unelect Greene has been charged with a felony, according to the New York Times,  in a case involving showing pornographic images to a college student;.  And  ...
  • has been unemployed since leaving the military 9 months ago,
  • never held a campaign event;
  • didn’t attend any  Democratic primary gatherings;
  • didn’t have a campaign Web site;
  • never filed any financial reporting forms;
  • is receiving unemployment benefits! 
Ridiculing his win then is a sign of " America’s political processes: racism and classism?"   Cord Jefferson, you witless canker-blossom.  Lumping Gov. Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber with convicted felons, as you have,  demonstrates what's ugly here.  Sheesh.  I hope the S.C. Republicans did back Greene's candidacy; a partial repayment for Democrats foisting John McCain on real Americans. 

On a tip from Chairman Ann; art credit, Vince Dixon


Ride Fast said...

So he's been accused of committing a crime? That is almost meaningless today.

And it's a felony to show a college student porn? How 18th century quaint.

Show me a college student who hasn't seen porn.

Jeremy said...

Hell, show me a college student that hasn't been IN a goddam porno.

Juice said...

"And it's a felony to show a college student porn? How 18th century quaint."
With only your written word to go by, and missing any intended satirical inference, your statement shouts ignorance. At least to the information being presented by Mr. Green's accuser.

Mr. Green was trespassing in the security code entrance (only) lab, in a freshman, mostly female dorm building. Apparently, this instance was not his first visit on campus. He has been asked not return to campus on a previous situation.

He displayed unexpected, unwanted porn to a young female under the guise of referencing football. After being rebuked he requested/stated they should go to her dorm room, now. Sexual harassment by any other name... except unto a Dem-Lib-"minority".

Every girl, young lady, woman is innately aware of creepy male attention. We don't need to have ever had sex or seen sex to know we may be in an umcomfortable, if not dangerous situation.

So, whatever century you want to call it.... time does not matter. This man is a creepy POHS.

Oh, and committing a crime still has meaning and consequences for us law abiding citizens out here, outside the Beltway.

Anonymous said...

Ride Fast said, "So he's been accused of committing a crime? That is almost meaningless today." That just shows that he's a genuine Democrat.

"Lumping Gov. Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber with convicted felons, as you have, demonstrates what's ugly here." That wasn't the way I took it. I thought it was more like, 'Americans have elected everything from the scum of the Earth to the finest being to ever have walked upon it.' ...but then, I haven't read the article yet. Based on the info already presented, I could probably write it myself.

JMcD said...

True meaning of "Pepsi generation".
You know, as in generator:
someone who originates or causes or initiates something.

Kristophr said...

GrinfilledCelt: He was simply stating the truth.

Crimes by Democrats mean nothing these days. They aren't punished or held accountable far anything.

Ride Fast is a conservative gun blogger. Ya might want to at least follow the man's profile back to his blog before you start accusing people of voting Democrat.

Kristophr said...

As for the porn business ... that is entirely what is wrong with a lot of folks in the Republican Party.

Shocked about porn, but not getting the real issue: Trespass and sexually stalking young women.

Juice is right ... there are things here much more important than dirty pictures. The Dems nominating a stalker is much more newsworthy ... but that won't be mentioned much by the media.

Anonymous said...

"Having spoken to Alvin Greene for an extended period of time, I’m absolutely certain I wouldn’t want him in any political office, high or low. But as a person of color, I can’t help but question the motivations of the minions who agree with me."

Why is it beyond the comprehension of this "person of color" that others -- even "minions" -- would not want Greene to hold any office for the same freakin' reasons he has? Does he see us melanin-challenged folk as being that eeevil?

His life must really suck.


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