Friday, July 16, 2010

I'll trade you 6 Obamas for a Hula-Hoop

The Debate has re-STARTed
The weaknesses of President Obama’s New START treaty with Russia are finally starting to surface in Washington. On Monday, Mitt Romney weighed in against the treaty in a Washington Post column. The former Massachusetts governor raised concerns previously aired by Amb. John Bolton (in National Review), by the Heritage Foundation’s Dr. Kim Holmes, and — in testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee — by former undersecretaries of state and defense Bob Joseph and Eric Edelman.

lower left - Ike aboard the USS Canberra 1957

Yesterday, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), reacted with a column that, after attacking Romney personally, merely ignored or dismissed (rather than disproved) Romney’s objections.

First and foremost, Romney objected to START on the grounds that it would impede America's ability to complete a global ballistic-missile-defense system. The evidence supporting this concern is overwhelming. Article Five of the treaty explicitly prohibits the conversion of former ICBM silos to the purpose of missiledefense; the Russians have publicly stated that the treaty limits America’s discretion to complete ballistic-missile defense, and the preamble of the treaty explicitly links reductions in offensive capability to reductions in defensive systems.

Those who think the preamble unimportant should consider the words of Russian general Yevgeniy Buzinsky, chief of the International Treaty Directorate in the RussianDefense Ministry:
We have buried you camrades


Jess said...

The main thing is that nobody took off their show and banged it on a table. These days, anger management prevents such blatent displays of uncontrolled emotions.

Jess said...

I meant shoe, not show, although it was a show.

BobG said...

"The main thing is that nobody took off their show and banged it on a table."

Of course not; these days they throw the shoe at heads of state.

Scottiebill said...

Does anyone really and truly believe that John Kerry-Heinz has any credibility at all, at all? He will NEVER have any credibility until he show us his military service record in its entirety. Just as The Komrade Incompetent will NEVER have any credibility until he shows us his true, unedited, unabridged, untampered with birth certificate.

We all know when either thing will happen, don't we?

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