BigFurHat |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
It's all so simple ...
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- pdwalker said...
Where did it all go wrong? -
7/14/10, 5:30 PM
- cmblake6 said...
Tiny piece at a time pd. Push to revolt, back off a bit. Push a bit farther, back off a bit.
Since FDR, if not before. What was that about "A Republic will only last until the people discover they can vote themselves the treasury", or something like that.
Darwin was right, and this would never have happened if this welfare garbage had not been allowed to grow as it has.
Care for those who cannot care for themselves, F__K those who will not care for themselves. -
7/14/10, 6:22 PM
Anonymous said...
"Where did we go wrong?"
Probably by letting the adoption, over the last 60 years or so, of 2/3 of the Communist Manifesto as US domestic policy.
In particular public education, which needs to be defunded right now.
And every penny of taxes that supports it returned to citizens.
These insidious bastards!
There was a time, not long ago, when Socialism and Communism weren't just other forms of social economic systems and relativism was for physics and not society.
Where did it all go wrong?
Probably by trying to humor these people, assuming it was the kind thing to do for people so spiritually, intellectually and emotionally lost, like you would do for a wayward child.
And you can see where that got us.
Plan B.
JC -
7/14/10, 6:27 PM
- cmblake6 said...
Excellent, JC. Don't reward the breeders, for a start. Those who can work their way, think their way, out of the welfare society survive. Those who do not...
7/14/10, 7:05 PM
Anonymous said...
Things appear to be coming to a head....sooner than later.
Ad rem.... -
7/14/10, 7:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Where did it all go wrong?
Not making everyone pass a civics and history test before granting sufferage. Way back about 1609, communal food and property, IOW, socialism, was literally killing the Virginia Company. John Smith told the slackers "no work, no eat", and the 'gentlemen' and other slackers set to work, with each and every one responsible for his own food and shelter. Virginia has survived 400 years with that work ethos. We surely won't last another 400 years if socialism is allowed to rule.
coming to a head....sooner than later. After almost 80 years of New Deal and forty + years of Great Society, it's time to lance the statism and protected class boil. It will be painful and it will stink, but it's past time. Let's do it.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
7/14/10, 10:05 PM
Tony Neville said...
For pete's sake! You want to know where "we" went wrong, and it is right there in the friggin' video!
"We as individuals can push along towards mankind's highest destiny, if each of us will make the welfare of his fellow man his first concern."
There it is. Pure Socialism preached by a Conservative. No wonder Conservatives are generally piss poor at defending capitalism on moral grounds. They've conceded the moral high-ground to the Socialists. Next they'll be calling them "liberals". -
7/15/10, 2:14 AM
Anonymous said...
I disagree, Tony. I think the salient point is "as individuals." We as individuals have a moral obligation to do what we can for those less fortunate. Some shirk that obligation, and some don't.
But, I don't believe "society," or worse, "the government," should be responsible for administering that care, nor do I believe anyone should be forced to help, nor his resources be commandeered for that purpose.
Individual charity is moral and good. Government "charity" is immoral and evil and, if you can believe the founders, unconstitutional.
MichigammeDave -
7/15/10, 6:41 AM
- Tony Neville said...
A moral ~Obligation~ you say. Say goodbye to "I want to help because you deserve my help" and say hello to "I gotta help or be guilt-ridden". Is this Socialism or Christianity? Whose face should I rip off? Whose eye sockets should I pee in. Jesus' or Marx'?
When you go to work each day? Is the welfare of your fellow man your first concern? What about when you form relationships, get married, and have children? Is the welfare of your fellow man your first concern? What about the entrepreneur, businessman, and their employees? You know, the people who built America. Was the welfare of their fellow men their first concern? No. It was the pursuit of their ~own~ happiness. Benevolence towards others comes from being free to pursue one's own happiness. It's only from this that giving potentially has any moral import. Whether the act of giving is moral or not depends on the recipient and why you are helping him or her. Neither Socialism nor Christianity make any distinction -- give to those who are less fortunate ~because~ they are less fortunate or you are immoral and deserve to be guilt-ridden. America wasn't build on guilt-ridden Christian charity nor state Socialism. It was built by men and women acting in the pursuit of their own happiness. Sorry to get all preachy but I get that way after watching good people say evil things. -
7/16/10, 3:34 AM