Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The slaves have learned to read and write

LETTER From the Hustings:
Democrats want to cut Medicare

Boned Jello
The Democrats keep trying to convince the public that Republicans want to cut Medicare. They obviously believe in the philosophy of telling a lie until it becomes accepted as truth. Fact: It was Rep. Dave Obey who proudly "gavelled in" the health care bill that contains a half a trillion dollars in Medicare cuts. It also will drastically cut the Medicare Advantage plan, a plan that is working reasonably well.

Obama himself said that he wants to get rid of Medicare Advantage. This would adversely affect a lot of seniors in this area. It was also on the Democrats' watch that Social Security recipients got no cost of living increase this year. Not a dime. At the same time, Congress got another raise of somewhere near $5,000.

A  letter to the Wausau Daily Herald sums things up rather succinctly. Democrats have cause to panic.

Cheryl Jones


Anonymous said...

Erry time I get an ad mailer from AARP, I fill up their postage-paid envelope crammed with printed pages of their support for Obamacare and send it back to them.

righty gomez

Alear said...

Good, I'm all for smaller gummint. I hope they find more things to cut.

Anonymous said...

I had the bizarre thought that members of Congress keep the pay rate that was effective on the date of their 1st election to Congress. No raises as long as they are in office. I can hope that would induce them to go home after a while instead of making a career out of politics.
I already want them to have no retirement plan, no medical coverage, no staff budget, and minimal office space. Something in that list would induce shorter careers, no?

Jess said...

Shorten their career? Let them stay as long as they want, but for every year you do, you get a token to be thrown in the pot for the annual drawing. One year, one token. Two years, three tokens. Three years, six tokens and on and on.

At the end of the year, a city in the United States, which will be choosen by lottery, will be the site of the annual flogging. The congress critter who's name is drawn will be run through the gauntlet. Everyone in town gets an ax handle and an opportunity.

Anonymous said...

tomw right on!
And all congressional and senate pay raises, perks and bonuses go before the people for a individual performance review & vote.

Anonymous said...

The fatal flaw in all those plans is, of course, that Congress would have to pass them. Fat chance.

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