Sunday, August 01, 2010

Dowdy-Doo Doo

Maureen Dowd and the Left: All Race, All the Time
It seems that only conservatives covet living in a post-racial society.

During the recent hullaballoo over the New Black Panthers we discovered that the real racists were not the men who shouted incendiary racial threats, but instead those at Fox News who dared to make known the Justice Department’s corruption.

Boned Jello

Another instance (that bored me to tears from the beginning) is the Breitbart/Sherrod yawn.  Here too Mr. Chapin throws cold water on the howling left.

A perusal of Mrs. Sherrod’s entire speech reveals that she is what we originally suspected: a dedicated race baiter.

She equated Republican disagreement with President Obama over the issue of socialist health care with racism.

Specifically she proclaimed:

You know, I haven’t seen such a mean-spirited people as I’ve seen lately over this issue of health care. Some of the racism we thought was buried. Didn’t it surface? Now, we endured eight years of the Bushes and we didn’t do the stuff these Republicans are doing because you have a black president.

Regarding Dowd:

Amidst 18 months of racial paranoia, aggression, and calumny better left unsaid, New York Times pundit and wannabe member of The View Maureen Dowd weighed in/added to the strife. She wrote a column seeking to nudge the Obama administration into being even more racialist than it already is.

Its title, “You’ll Never Believe What This White House Is Missing,” beggars belief. 

These people are now officially boring.


Anonymous said...

Is it me?

Or are we at a place where 80 percent of Americans can't roll their eyes any further back in their heads?


DougM said...

WOLF!! WOLF! Wolf! wolf! wolf ... wolf?
Hey! I'm cryin' wolf, here, people!

Anonymous said...

JC--so THAT'S why I've had so much eye trouble this year.

Anonymous said...

The silver? I think the Clintons have it.


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