Judge being gay a nonissue during Prop. 8 trial STOP IT! JUST STOP IT! |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Gay Judge? Are you Sh**ing me?
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Juice said...
I can't take it either. The three branches of government have been bastardized to suit Liberalism. Because the Constitution is now used as asswipe, it will never be corrected. I don't think I should even bother to vote anymore. It's all so pointless. Even our electoral process is a sham.
8/4/10, 9:55 PM
Anonymous said...
When will we reach a tipping point?
8/4/10, 11:07 PM
Alear said...
Ya know, this doesn't bother me all that much. It's further evidence to those who perhaps don't follow the news like we do that gummint isn't quite right these days.
Gays getting married? What do I care, just don't try redefining the English language, call it civil union and I'm fine with it (and give us back gay, it had another definition when Wodehouse used it).
We don't really have to worry about Thomas having a heart attack or Scalia choking on a pretzel. The Supreme Court will overturn this overwhelmingly. -
8/4/10, 11:29 PM
Anonymous said...
It’s seems like everything is headed for the Courts: immigration, health care, marriage, the environment, taxation, State sovereignty and the economy.
When these things all get there, and you can bet they will, if the decisions of the Judicial Branch resembles the decision today on Prop 8, and continue to defy the will of the People, that’s the Tipping Point.
The only question is when, or maybe which decision. -
8/4/10, 11:48 PM
Anonymous said...
Sorry, the above is by JC
8/4/10, 11:50 PM
- gadfly said...
The fruits and nuts residing in
CA don't even understand their own laws. Despite Prop 8, their "domestic partnerships" law gives them the same rights and privileges as granted to married heteros. -
8/5/10, 12:45 AM
- dmurray said...
"Appearance of impropriety! This is so incredibly basic; it's unbelievable the judge didn't recuse himself, or been challenged by the government's lawyers," you wrote.
State of California Attorney General Edmund G. "Jerry" Brown Jr. DID NOT defend the vote of the electorate as expressed in the approval of Proposition 8. My question is: Challenged by who's government's lawyers?" -
8/5/10, 1:12 AM
Anonymous said...
Let's see how it goes when they have to pay the marriage tax to the IRS. There are drawbacks to being married.
8/5/10, 10:25 AM