Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Eric Holder is a Criminal

Political Crimes
The DOJ spent the better part of a year trying to prevent Coates from testifying and even ordered him to ignore a subpoena. It’s now clear why the administration would try to stop Coates from telling his story, for his is a damning tale indeed.

Not only did the ex-ACLU attorney back up Adams’ claims that charges were dropped in the NBPP case for political (rather than legal) reasons, he outlined a disturbing pattern of behavior within Attorney General Eric Holder’s Department of Justice. Rather than representing an anomaly, Coates laid out a convincing case that the DOJ’s questionable behavior in the NBPP case is consistent with racially-motivated departmental policy.
Department of Injustice

Boned Jello

Here's a thought that will pass through your mind more than once today, as it has every day for the past several years.

"Can you imaging the outrage if ... ?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Don't fire until you see the Whites!"

--Atty General Eric Holder

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