Thursday, September 02, 2010

Fear of Flying


JMcD said...

An already disheartened Superman became totally disillusioned when he discovered that Krypton was a component of many florescent bulbs,thus ending Soop's monotony breaking nightlife at the Mall that he so thouroughly enjoyed.
His cohort's at the accounting office just couldn't figure out why Clark Kent insisted on incondescent bulbs in his personal lighting.
Those guy's also couldn't understand why Clark never played "drop the pencil" with Betty Sue like they did.
Heh heh heh....There was ONE super power he didn't have fear of using.

Jess said...

Three construction workers are eating lunch on a 100 story high rise. One says to the new guy:
"You know, the wind is so strong, it will support a man, so you never have to worry about falling."

The new guy replies: "You're full of crap. There's no way that's true."

The first man walks to the edge, steps over, and floats in the air."See? I told you it was so. Come try it and see."

The new guy walks to the edge, takes a step, and falls to his death. The third man looks up and says: "You sure are chickenshit, Superman."

JMcD said...

The Earth has retained all of the noble gases (including Krypton gas)that were present at its formation except for helium. Helium atoms are very light, and move fast enough to escape the Earth's gravity readily.
This accounts for the fact that all the original animals had those goofy, high pitched voices.By the time that humans came along there was still a large quantity of helium left.I know that we are all grateful that the surplus helium is gone.
Just imagine hearing Lincoln saying. "Four score and seven years ago", with that wacky, cartoon voice.... Just doesn't have the same punch, eh?

Anonymous said...

Aesop McD.....;-D

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