Democrat Gov. suspends NC gun rights with the stroke of her pen. Which of course means North Carolina had no gun rights to begin with. |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Democrat Gov. suspends NC gun rights with the stroke of her pen. Which of course means North Carolina had no gun rights to begin with. |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Hmmmm...Might be a real good time to clamp down on boat usage as well.
Dove season starts this weekend in NC. If this "law" is enforced, the jails will be full.
Lincoln might've said it, but he was certainly quoting from the book of Stuff Jefferson Said, 3rd edition, Knopf.
I keep asking and nobody answers:
If the use of force -- including lethal force -- is permitted, in some cases mandatory, in the prevention of a felony in progress...
What level of force is permissible -- even mandatory -- in the prevention of a civil rights violation? (Esp considering such IS a felony under Federal statute 18USC241-242.) A violation of the Constitution, from which DESCENDS the authority making the felony law... a law?
Maybe some you Barn Army types know this one.
It's this kind of crap that made me rule out NC as a destination when I retire next year. If you don't trust me with my guns, I certainly don't trust you with my tax dollars.
Bein' a CCH instructor in NC, I can assure you that it is NOT permissible to use deadly force to prevent a felony, unless you are in immediate risk of death, serious bodily harm, or sexual assault or on behalf of someone who is.
[insert three-hour lecture on details]
The "state of emergency" thing is a holdover from the bad ol' riot/KKK days.
[insert list of silly gun restrictions & permissibles]
There is a new push on to fix the "state of emergency" thing, due to the New Orleans/Katrina experience as well as this one, locally. The Governor and NC Dem legislators are jackasses throwing their weight around.
Normally, NC is a very CCH-friendly State, but Libs are not to be trusted with governing ... anywhere.
What did I do during the "emergency?" I carried my 1911.
There's stupid law, and there's stupid death.
I'll argue my case in court with a jury of non-cityfolk North Carolinians any day.
Lured by the essence of "Eau de Poulet" emanating from Mme Perdue,"The Man With A Plan" presses lips, sticky with date halva, on her tingling cheek.
Begging off any questions from the press,a hungry POTUS, with his winkies, headed out to that Buffalo Wings place outside of town.
Only later did the Epicurean-In-Chief realize that it wasn't "Eau de Poulet" that he smelled, it was chicken shit.
Is it starting?
Is this the Reichstag Fire and the Enabling Act on a lower level?
Can it happen here?
Locked and loaded, here.
MAJ Mike
God bless the threepers!
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Trade you "You'll eventually get out of jail; a coffin is a different matter" for "There's stupid law and there's stupid death."
Or I could just steal it. And NC doesn't have a monopoly on stupid CCW laws. Do you have to prove your U.S. citizenship to get a permit??
Yes, US citizenship or permanent-resident status, plus county residence. You apply through your local sheriff (support him).
The local sheriff has the authority to nix any application he see fit, for any reason. If he's had run-ins with you or your daddy, well, there's the Clerk of Court right over there, son. That, too, is a holdover from the old days when the sheriff pretty much ran his county in the absence of adult supervision from far-off Raleigh. Okay, 'em days still kind'a apply.