Friday, October 08, 2010

Elementary Watson ...

The Real Roots of "The Betrayal"

Boned Jello

This is so great!

In my own forthcoming book, Deconstructing Obama, I ask two basic questions: one is whether Barack Obama wrote the books and speeches penned under his name, and two is whether the stories he tells therein are true. Like D'Souza, I focus on the most important work in Obama's canon: his celebrated 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father.  - Jack Cashill, The Real Roots of Obama's Rage

Cashill uses his own extensive knowledge as he respectfully, but critically,  reviews Dinesh D'Souza's new book, The Rage of Obama's It's great because all this obliquely addresses (Obama's birthplace is not mentioned)  something that has, if not driven me nuts, come close to it.  That would be Ann Coulter's pronouncement last year that  "birthers" are kook conspirators.  I felt betrayed.

As much as I adore Ann however, she offered no compelling reason for that conclusion, and I dismissed it as either -
  • a "let's not be distracted by a media battle we've already lost,"
  • or "I haven't paid much attention to it, but my people* tell me the birthers are wrong" cop-out. 
The former is so atypical of someone who'd  fight for Joe McCarthy's legacy, that I rejected it in favor of the other.  *Dinesh D'Souza and Ann Coulter share the same belly buttons.  Back to Cashill.

Like Procrustes, the mythological innkeeper who stretched his victims or severed their limbs to make them fit his iron bed, D'Souza whacks away at the facts to make his "incredible osmosis" theory work.

The severing begins with the story of Obama's origins. In his "essence," D'Souza explains, Obama was "his father's son." In his retelling, Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, served largely as the vehicle through which the absent Obama exercised his will on the young Obama, she being "Obama Sr.'s first convert" to anti-colonialism.

To make this storyline credible, D'Souza has to embrace the narrative that Obama rolled out in Dreams and amplified during his keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.

As Obama told the conventioneers, his father grew up in Kenya "herding goats." His mother he traced to Kansas, as he always did. "My parents shared not only an improbable love," said Obama. "They shared an abiding faith in the possibilities of this nation." 

Like Obama, D'Souza sustains this narrative at the expense of the facts, and he does so in several salient ways ...  [The FULLNESS]

Obama's birthplace is not mentioned, but it is established that  important conservative philomaths have simply not in this instance done their homework. At best.  I cannot allow myself contemplate any worse reason.


Helly said...

Well then, let's contemplate a better reason.

Bill Clinton discovered the power of personal opacity with his medical records. If anybody made a huge issue of his un-documentedness, he could destroy them with some paper. Real records or not, he was praying the GOP would fall into that trap.

Democrats went to school on Clinton, and with Obama, carried the concept of un-documentedness to its ultimate limit. He can defeat any challenge to his authenticity with a piece of paper. It's not like the press is going to notice that the ink is wet.

One more thing: No American is born hoping to be a Democrat. Unfortunately, child abuse leads to self-loathing, which leads to failure, which leads to more Democrats. Like everyone else, Dems know that Barry 40-O is a fraud and a failure. We all get it; that's his resume. More importantly, that's his deal with Dems. He is the campion of losers hoping to game the system. It's the reparations that every Dem knows he deserves. It's a contract against America. Birth illegitimacy seals the deal.

Fraudulence is the Democrat strong suit. Ann won't play into their trumps. She has her fun, so you can have yours.

You're welcome.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

"Democrats went to school on Clinton... " so captures what led us to this point Helly, that I'm awarding you the Nobel Prize for Nobel Worthiness (I know a guy). But, I'm not buying that Coulter would shy away from this fight over concern of jimmied documents. It's just not in her DNA to do the wrong thing.

Anonymous said...

take a good look at those dream father pics--that kenyan drunk is definitely not the o'daddy... not now and not on st pat's day.

toadold said...

"By their fruits you shall know them."

And boy are the over ripe ones starting to smell. Some are dropping out of tree with little parachutes. And Lo! In the near distance the tree trimmers approach. They are talking about trimming flush with the ground and dynamiting the stump.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

His real name is Barry Marshall.

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