scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Rabbits pass two distinct types of feces: hard droppings and soft black viscous pellets, the latter of which are immediately eaten to digest their food further and extract sufficient nutrients.
Guess from now on these guys will be smoking those pellets.
Guess I don't get this Rodg, you have no problem with mind altering substances - one that turns perfectly normal people into blithering morons with no drive or ambition? Or do you just want them to stay in cahleeforenya?
I didn't say I was for Pot, I said the process by which it was made illegal was unconstitutional. Individual states have that right; the Feds don't (without amending the constitution). I am hopeful that states will begin asserting those rights; ignoring federal law unconstitutionally levied. That includes damn near every law congress has passed during the Obamacy (and before).
Yeah, and Arnie vetoed Assembly Bill 2460, which would have address[ed] needless drug overdose deaths that occur when witnesses to an overdose hesitate to contact emergency services because they fear arrest for themselves or for the person experiencing the overdose."
How very compassionate of him.
"...you have no problem with mind altering substances - one that turns perfectly normal people into blithering morons with no drive or ambition?"
They have a drug that can make you a Democrat?
Say, isn't that Buzzed Bunny?
Guess I don't get this Rodg, you have no problem with mind altering substances - one that turns perfectly normal people into blithering morons with no drive or ambition?
Don't be dissing alcohol. A lot of people like it.