scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Tony Curtis & MM
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Anonymous said...
Favorite Tony Curtis Movie: Operation Petticoat with Cary Grant...
10/2/10, 1:21 AM
JMcD said...
I thought "Six Bridges To Cross" was a good flick, but my personal favorite Curtis movie was, "Sweet Smell Of Success".
10/2/10, 2:05 AM
Anonymous said...
Anon. I agree. Operation Petticoat was a great movie and Curtis was a hoot in it. In fact the entire cast was good. Grant was himself and that was perfect for the story. To picture those magnificent um uh nurse-types on a submarine - a POS sub to boot is a recipe for comedy. They did it well too. I have the DVD and pull it out from time to time. Tony, you did some good work now rest easy. RIP
Bolivar -
10/2/10, 6:28 AM
Anonymous said...
The cute little redhead nurse was Richie's mom, Mrs. C!
Kelly -
10/2/10, 8:34 AM
TimO said...
The best part of "Some Like it Hot" was Monroe's costumes. There was some serious engineering there....
10/2/10, 9:04 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
My best part of Some Like it Hot was I laughed so hard I soiled me britches.
I never thought of TC as a great actor, but he had a quality that made me wanna like him, so I enjoyed most everything he did. In grade school however, some kid had a magazine picture of Janet Leigh (who I had a crush on) in the bathtub, barely covered by soap bubbles. The picture credit was her husband. We, all of us, were astounded that a man would take a picture like that of his wife and let people see it. I got over it. -
10/2/10, 9:31 AM
Anonymous said...
Tarus Bulbus(sp?) anyone?
10/2/10, 10:36 AM