Monday, November 01, 2010

ACORN Strikes Again


Tick Tock. Tick Tock. November 2nd approaches. A guy [went] in to cast an early ballot here and asked, "Is this where I pick up my five ballots, or do I need to go to the ACORN office for that?"
LOL. Everyone knows who the crooks are.
Well, almost everyone. [
Posted by: Liam-still  On WaPOST]


Note- This clip was posted by George Soro's Media Matters of all places, where it elicited comments like this one:

Remember that, in the history of this country, the Republicans have a much worse track record on voter fraud than the Democrats, Fox Propaganda, and plan your programming accordingly. Except, you won't do that, will you? Because you insist on failing to live up to 'fair and balanced', which is how you got the name Fox Propaganda in the first place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I watched the Fox News video a couple times, and have the following observation:
I didn't hear anybody accuse a party, group or individual of tampering or fraud. I heard spokespersons from both major parties, and only the Democrat spokesman felt compelled to say there was no proof, and that the Democrats didn't do it.
As a parent, I've encountered that kind of response before. Just sayin', is all.
p.s. - WV - "demin"! How do it know?

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