reflection time at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. When the inhabitants of
the white house and their minions are not milking their fading
authority to smash and grab as much as they can, they are busy spinning
history to describe their positive accomplishments. All they have is
the fact that we have not had a major terrorist incident "on U.S. soil"
since 9-11. For this, they figure, Americans should be expansively
grateful to the lamest duck.
And a very weak hand it is. It's sort of a perverse
variation on "Other
than that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?" Other than 9-11, we
have been pretty safe during the Bush years, huh?
Challenging the "Bush made us safe" meme is not merely a matter of
partisan squabbling. The meme is intended as cover for an astoundingly
broad range of failed policies, arguably the worst of any presidency ...
[The Democratic Strategist Challenging
the 'Bush Kept Us Safe' Meme, December