Today's "should I be excited?" Looks good from behind But what if they have mustaches? |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Today's "should I be excited?" Looks good from behind But what if they have mustaches? |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Sounds like uniformed junk. My law degree is pretty old but I doubt that something like this has changed in the last 15 years. There is nothing, nothing.
Followup. I took Constitutional law with Jessie Choper, Dean of Berkeley, author or a widely used Consitutional Law text book and recognized tip top expert. Nothing anything hinting at this was ever discussed.
Don;t tell anyone I read this blog.
Well it may not die by Constitutional law But if 35 States are suing the suit can't be killed by a single or even a couple of Federal District courts.
So if it hits the Supreme Court how do the Supremes rule when they have 35 Governors and State Attorney Generals grinning at them like a possum out of dead cow's ass.
< aside>
New Analogy of the Week!
grinning at them like a possum out of dead cow's ass.
< /aside>
Well, 35 is more'n half of 57, so ...
Oh, wait, this must be ObamaMath.
It follows New Math, so it must be more true.
Even if it isn't true, Progtards believe it should be true, so they'll go with it.
I'm gonna call it AfterMath.
Have no fear, Naked Helen Thomas is here
To save hapless barrack hussein's lunch,
If he can keep it down!!!
Not knowing whether it's 35 or 38, I would tend to go for the 38. Why? Although it may be comfortable for us to accomplish our goal now, when the other side gets the advantage to stuff something down our throats again, they should have to work for it also. And Libs, as they did in *fking* California, are all about the "simple" majority.
Oh, yeah. And CA's prop 25 simple majority purpose? To pass a budget. Geeze, who'd a thunk. Watch as the state swirls down the bankrupt toilet.
Uh, left is a guy and the right is a gal???? Did I win the "booby" prize???? HMMMMMMM??????
Wabano, you're such a tease. She wasn't naked at all (thank you,thank you thank you).
off topic:
"Grinin like a possum out of a dead cow's ass." Was a fold saying in the Northern part of Oklahoma were I misspent a large portion of my youth. The incident that really burned it into my mind was when I was out hunting rabbits on my Step-Father's Step Mother's farm and came across the carcass of a dead cow....sure enough a possum whas grinning out of it's ass.