Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ted still gouging taxpayers

Dead Man Gouges Taxpayers
Bay State pols U.S. Sen. John Kerry and U.S. Rep. Edward Markey had sought another $30 million this year, only to see it get slashed down to $8.5 mil- lion as an anti-earmark tide swept over Capitol Hill.
Boned Jello

The founding president of the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the U.S. Senate yesterday said he is giving up on seeking federal funds for the legacy project, $30 million short of the total the institute has requested from Congress.

“We had this request in and we felt that either we get it this year or we don’t, and we’re not going to go back,” said Peter Meade, president of the institute. “I doubt we’re going back to ask for any more.

Boned Jello
The additional taxpayer funds would have been used toward the endowment and to create a civics course!  How nice.  But what sort of civics would be taught in an institution named after a man who engaged with the Soviet Union in a clandestine plot to undermine President Ronald Reagan's administration?  I propose instead $1 million to exhume Ted's corpse once a year to make sure the sumbitch is still dead. [Full Story]


Anonymous said...

I notice a narrow bridge in the picture. Will they name it "The Mary Jo Kopekne (spelling) Memorial Bridge"?

An Oldsmobile sedan water ride would fit in just fine. Will Ted's neck brace be on display? Will there be a full-service bar?

MAJ Mike

TimO said...

A shrine by the water... how appropriate. Are they going to have the Disney Imagineers put in a hydraulically-controlled sedan sink as you go over the bridge??? Perhaps a giant Jack Daniels bottle as a lighthouse? Maybe a giant flagpole flying a pair of his pants since he used to run around down here in West Palm Beach without them?

Kristophr said...

Too expensive. Build an Oldsmobile launching ramp pointing seaward, buy a junkyard full of old oldsmobiles, and put any leftard who would actually visit such a place in one of the seats.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that those who are sooooo dedicated to insuring the rest of US live in a collective are even more interested in the self-aggrandizement of sole-name 'memorial' institutes?

Right on the water -- so what about the rising tides from AGW, Ted? No problem there?

Lyin' sack o....


Anonymous said...

Rodger you rascal. The Kennedy Center was to be at Columbia Point, not at Dyke Bridge, you rascal you.
Your locale would be much more appropriate, reminding people of Cape Cod Orca's sleaziness just to get to the place. Long Live RKOF!
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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