Monday, January 10, 2011

Democrats enthRALLed

Ex-Clinton strategist:
Obama needs event ‘similar’
to OKC to ‘reconnect’ with voters

(Day after 2010 election)

Call for Political Violence from MSNBC [Video]

Posted by Van Helsing at 8:09 PM | Comments (3)

Now that it no longer has a complete monopoly on the media, the collectivist Left may have a hard time getting the public to swallow its meme that Gabrielle Giffords was shot because conservatives voice violent rhetoric. If you want to hear violent rhetoric, listen to Ted Rall call for a socialist revolution from atop a soapbox provided by the same MSNBC that tries so appallingly to blame the Tucson tragedy on its ideological opponents:

I began Sunday with Rush Limbaugh suggesting that Democrats, "by virtue of the details in this piece [White Flight], they're gonna have to go out and basically promise communism.  ... "  If there's a more despised, full-of-hate for-America communist than Ted Rall, I can't think who it would be. They're off to a good start. 

Of course Liberals are entirely derivative when it comes to public strategy and policy statements (Obama is "studying Reagan") because,  if the public understood what and who they were there would be no Democrat Party. Which is happening as we speak.

Since Clinton used the OKC bombing to great advantage, it must be a good gambit, is what they're thinking.  I'm not suggesting this shooting was staged for that purpose (not discounting anything either), but there's no doubt in my mind that the Moveons, KOSers, MSNBC cadre, sense an  OKC opportunity here.  That it is by now manifestly evident that one of their own perped this thing  means not a tot to them.  Not if they can convince enough people that the gunman was seen having lunch with Rush Limbaugh, and the gun was registered to Sarah Palin.  Which is what they're doing as we speak.

It won't work, so be ready for another Reichstag fire. 


toadold said...

Well the Gallup poll of September, 2010 shows that on the whole 53% of the populace think the Main Stream Media is too biased to the left and not to be trusted, about 33% say it is just right, and the rest say it is biased too far to right. Gallup says there has been some decline in trust over the last four years. I've never trusted Gallup a whole lot especially given the results of the November mid-terms that came 3 months after their poll. I also notice that the more educated and wealthy you are the less you trust them.
Ad revenue is decreasing at a greater rate and even online left seems to be declining. It could be when the left throws out its latest meme on the Gifford shooting that people won't be listening to their usual MSM mouthpieces and there well be much quicker and heavier blow back to the attempt.

Melissa "Darla" In Texas said...

That comment about needing another Oklahoma echoed through my mind all weekend.
Hang onto your hats folks, a vile wind is about to blow.

Anonymous said...

And yet, the CriminalLiberalPress says nothing about LibCong comments like that. The LibCong don't even care anymore about their hypocracy.

The political violence of recent years has been overwhelmingly Lefty or Moslem. Though heavily armed, Tea Partiers have been peaceful. The threats and violence come from the LibCong.

As usual, I state the obvious. However, such things bear repeating.

Brigadier Major Mike

Anonymous said...

The Giffords ordeal will launch her to the position of Jim Brady x10. Socialist don't need facts or reason, they need women who make decisions based on emotion and feelings to succeed on any issue.

I heard the first transvestite congresswoman in history, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, and she said the fact that the guy is crazy doesn't matter. Its just a testament to all the emotionally charged mean speech in politics that too her friends life. Debbies take was we need less hate speech, you the kind of speech where the American Public says "no, representative, we don't want you to do that." Lil Debbie was too scared of her constituency to go to her own town hall meeting.

Anonymous said...

The lesson here is that when encouraging these liberal mfcs to take a "suicide for the team (USA)," the unreliability of a handgun shot to the head must be considered. Recommend that they use a shotgun. 12ga. Better yet, 8ga.

Dr. Kevorkian, Alter Ego

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