Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Bill Calls for Illegals to Be
Dumped at Offices of Congressmen

Today's Good Idea

Mexicans Keep Moving
(First) Great Depression era sign. 
"Them what don't learn from history are ... ."

    A measure filed by (Texas) State Rep. Lois Kolkhorst (R-Brenham) would allow any law enforcement agency that has custody of an illegal immigrant to take the illegal to 'the office of a U.S. Senator or Representative' and leave them there.

  1200 WOAI news reports the measure also allows county sheriff's deputies or city police officers to 'request an agent or employee of the United States Senator or United States Representative to sign a document acknowledging the release or discharge of the illegal immigrant at the senator's or representative's office.

[...] The measure doesn't specify what the Senator or Congressman is supposed to do with the illegal immigrant, but calls on the law enforcement agency to 'maintain a record of each illegal immigrant released or discharged who is not transferred to the custody of the Untied States Immigration and Customs Enforcement.' [Full story]
Our government's  failure to secure borders  has moved to the level of  being life threatening.  Radical Islamist jihadis are partnering with Mexican and South American drug cartels to gain access to the U.S.   There is no God given right to union representation, as one Wisconsin asshat claimed last week, but there is one for self defense. 


Anonymous said...

A suggestion. Fire all the teachers in the union and replace them will illegal aliens, cut teacher's salaries by 60%.
1) The students would receive a better education.
2) The taxpayer would save money.
3) The illegals would stop begging for work outside of Home Depot and contribute taxes.

Anonymous said...

Good one. While we're at it, let's feed the Homeless to the Hungry... win-win.


vanderleun said...

GAGator stole that one from me.

As to the bill, if it specifies bagging and tagging before dumping it would be most expedient.

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