Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Know Them By Their Bangles

Know Them By Their Bangles

Muslim Brotherhood Special

The Daily Caller today features What you should know about Mohamed El Baradei, who is positioned to lead Egypt after Mubarak is beheaded.  If you're in too much of a hurry to read the article, like me, this is all you really need to know, although I'm sure DC piles it on. 
  1. Mohammed El Baradei joins Jimmy Carter, Al Gore and Barack Obama as winners of the Nobel Peace Prize for no discernible reason other than being vocal critics of the United States.
  2. Mohammed El Baradei has partnered-up with the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Nobel Peace Prize medal has become the equivalent of certain gang tattoos/biker "colors" that are earned by killing someone; and should therefore (in both cases) be considered actus reus for an "arrest on sight" warrant, and  be targeted by drones armed with Hell Fire missiles (except where prohibited by law).  That goes for every person with any association with the Muslim Brotherhood.  Semper Jihad!


Chuck Martel said...

You learn all kinds of things when you read what the opposition has written. I suggest that people read Soros' and Obama's books. You will see what they have planned for us.

In that same vein, I suggest you read Sayyid Qutb's manifesto "Milestones" written in 1963. You will find that the Muslum Brotherhood sees a Manifest Destiny for Islam. They believe that the European West is corrupt and impotent. It is therefore the duty of Islamists to replace Western European culture and create a caliphate extending from Spain to Indonesia.

Don't worry, they haven't forgotten about the U.S. They want to wage a non-violent jihad on the U.S. from within so that the culture of the U.S. is co-opted rather than destroyed outright.

"Allahu Akbar Y'all!"

TimO said...

Can we replace those Hellfires with a couple of 100kt tactical nukes? Might come in handy when the Brotherhood starts to march on the rest of the world...

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