Monday, February 07, 2011

Legacy enhancement: Jimmy Carter ...

Carter's 1979 Brain-Trust

"Legacy enhancement: Jimmy Carter not only lost Iran, he lost Egypt" (I Hate The Media) makes the case that Jummy lost Egypt (Hussein Obama, I think,  deserves some of the credit, Ahem).  Simultaneously I received this e-mail from Marc Miller about LTG Sam Wetzel'sSam Wetzel  "the real story on Iran and General Huyser."

LTG Wetzel has done considerable speehifying on the subject of Jummy, and Islamic terrorism, and this text comes from a speech he made to the Columbus GA. Rotary Club in 2009.  If accurate, it shows Carter as not just passively responsible for the fall of Iran, but a pro-active participant on a level with Khomeini. 
Here is the real story on Iran and General Huyser:
It was General Dutch Huyser, USAF, Deputy USCINCEUR, General Haig's US Deputy, sent by Jimmy Carter in January 1979 into Tehran without telling Haig. They went right around General Haig. At the time I was the Executive to the SACEUR, General Haig at SHAPE HQ in Belgium.
I got word from Iran through EUCOM about it. I then went in to General Haig and said: "Do you know where Dutch Huyser is?" He said "No". I told him Huyser was in Tehran with instructions to tell the military not to take over the country, and to let the Ayatollah Khomeini come back from Paris, France. General Haig was not told by General Jones, CJCS or SECDEF Harold Brown until the day after I informed General Haig. My boss was not pleased to say the least. [Continued]


Anonymous said...

It was even worse than LTG Wetzel said. MG Huyser was sent to Iran not so much to keep the Iranian generals from using the military against Khomeini. He asked them to stay on and try to work with the new government. Many believed him. Every one who stayed, along with their families, were executed by Khomeini. Carter, Brown, and Huyser were responsible for Khomeini's success at gaining power, and the murder of all the Iranan senior officers.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Skoonj, well done

Anonymous said...

I gotta ask. Is there ONE thing the Bible-thumpin', goober-raising, one-term President did right? Anything?
He calls Israel names, and then claims he was misunderstood, touts the 'vote' in Venezuela and elsewhere as being 'democratic', kisses the patootie of just about every enemy we have, and kicks our allies in the gonads ... and wants us all to love him as he sticks the knife into not only Clinton[read Korea 'framework'], but GHWB and W, also, with his behind the scenes interference. He and Kerry belong in jail for attempting to deal with enemy nations...[at war w/NorK and NVA when they did their 'thing']
He did 'nothing' wrong, ever. It's all a misunderstanding, or his staff got things wrong. He cannot take responsibility for anything. Loser.
I do plan on micturating on his final resting place should he not choose it to be guarded 24X7X365 in Arlington.
anonymous by choice...

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