Friday, June 03, 2011

Chinese Torture

In You Face Amelica!
Chinese Toy Company Makes Replica of
Stealth Chopper Used in Bin Laden Raid

  The U.S. operatives used explosives to destroy what was left of the damaged aircraft, which experts believe is a modified Black Hawk, to prevent it from falling into foreign hands. But the explosion was not enough to cover up all of its wreckage, leaving behind a tail that generated speculation over the helicopter’s actual design.

“Were it not for the fact that one of them crash-landed and had to be destroyed, the world would probably not have realized that the U.S. possesses such stealthy helicopter variants," the product description read.

Oh goody.

Marc Miller


Anonymous said...

Looks like many parts from the Comanche prototype.

Anonymous said...

Looks like that spook helicopter from the TV show of 20+ years ago that had the french guy as the hero. It was hangared in a cave built into the side of a mountain, IIRC.

Anonymous said...

"Looks like that spook helicopter from the TV show of 20+ years ago"

Airwolf, with Jan-Micheal Vincent(he was born in CO so I don't know about him being french) and Ernest Borgnine. The chopper was flown into a crater on top of the mountain with only a small tunnel(obviously big enough for a fuel truck) carved into the side.


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