Friday, June 03, 2011

He's Not So Smart

Today's Best Article Ever Written
Stop It Already -- He's Not So Smart

Oabama's Scholarship

 I was Chief Articles Editor of UCLA Law Review and later had the honor of clerking for the Hon. Danny Julian Boggs of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, one of the nation's most brilliant jurists, who later rose to become Chief Judge of the Sixth Circuit.  To be selected as Chief Articles Editor, I had to research and write the Law Review Comment of a lifetime.  In time, it was published and deemed good enough that I was named law review chief articles editor.  In the years that followed, that Law Review Comment has been cited by federal courts in at least seven published judicial opinions, and in several other unpublished opinions.  It has been cited and quoted often in other people's legal scholarship.

Oabama's Scholarship
And that is "how it works."  To be a law review editor-in-chief, a Chief Articles Editor, a Chief Comments Editor of a law review, it is a sine qua non that you publish something fabulous, a real scholarly piece of work.  Many dozens of America's finest law students do exactly that every year.  Those articles later become part of a vast searchable electronic library of legal scholarship.  

The thing is, I cannot find Barack Obama's great piece of work, the scholarship one would presume he researched, drafted, crafted, and honed, that earned him the presidency of the Harvard Law Review.  The name "Obama" is the kind of search term that should do the job.  But I cannot find any scholarship published by him that reveals the exceptional brilliance that paved the way to his achievement.  So there is no published scholarship that refutes the increasing sense so many of us share that we Americans elected a President who maybe is not so smart as the media's campaign hype suggested.  Perhaps even a rube. 

Excerpted from "Stop It Already -- He's Not So Smart,"  By Dov Fischer


Anonymous said...

Where were all these people before he was elected Pres? Color me less than impressed.

I-RIGHT-I said...

Better question; where was the GOP?

The SOB wouldn't be stinking up the People's House without their blessing.

toadold said...

Oh there were a number of people around saying there was not there there when it came to Obama. But the MSM didn't pay any attention to them then except in a negative way. The GOP was controlled by the usual pack of NE Rino's,(Oh hit me again it feels so goood).Things are changing though.
One thing that gives me hope is the shear incompetence of the speakers for the Dims. Debbie the died blonde dummy comes to mind. Now the Wiener Weiner not so frank debacle. The treasury secretary talking about how GM was saved the same day its stock rolled inverted and dived. The Bosh Wash crowd slags Palin about not being well enough schooled on foreign policy but she gets quoted by "Spengler" in the Aisa Times.

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