Reinbach at the Puffington Host (sic)
- "What's gone largely
unremarked is that the tactics used against Rep. Weiner are the ones at
the top of the Right Wing toolkit. At a minimum, the Right Wing
displays a fondness for tactics, and a willingness to stoop, that I
think have no place in the public sphere."
And "Stranded Wind" at DailyKos.com Thursday:
- "Congressman Anthony
Weiner was stalked, set up, smeared, and this was coordinated to
protect Clarence Thomas from scrutiny. . . . This conservative crime
wave isn't going to just go away. As we've seen with Anthony Weiner,
any individual who troubles them, even if that person by [sic] a United
States Congressman, is going to get whacked."
And "phenry," also at DailyKos.com Thursday:
- "In reality, of course,
the 'hacker' probably just spent about an hour figuring out how to
spoof yfrog's incredibly weak security and then uploaded a picture he
found on a porn site. But Rep. Weiner doesn't know that. Realistically,
there's no reason to expect him to know that. Now that the wheels are
coming off of the cunning plan and Breitbart has once again been
exposed as the charlatan and serial liar that he is ... "
[WSJ, The Second
Time as Farce]
Lordy. Is this "payback rapture,"
I wonder?