was brilliant on his FoxNews Sunday interview with Chris Wallace.
Compared to the waffling of Tim Geithner in the preceding interview
... It is the first time, in following politics for 40 years,
that I
have seen a Republican politician exhibit real political courage.
Republicans, especially in the Senate, have become very frightened of
the power of the mainstream media. They cower in fear at the thought of
getting bashed by the liberals. The Old Guard Republicans have been
reduced to operating in the shadows, in back rooms, committees and
commissions; with their only strategy consisting of trying to win
elections to get more power in Washington D.C. They have no fight in
them. They have become cowards.
That's why Boehner was such a refreshing surprise on Sunday. Watch the
video. He is actually standing his ground and fighting when most all of
the Old Guard Republicans, even conservative commentators, have turned
and run, scared silly of being blamed for an Armageddon. (If the stock
market drops significantly on Monday, I am buying because it will be a
short term panic, which are always great money making opportunities.)
Boehner is going to do the right thing for the country -- he said just
that, literally, several times during the interview, and I believe him.
He said that he didn't take the job for the fancy title, he took it to
get something accomplished. He said he doesn't care about the Asian
Markets, because he cares more about jobs and the future of
America. [Free
Republic comment]
What I took away from this
is, yes, give Boner some credit for his public display of
backbone. Clap clap clap. But it's clear that only pressure
from House Teaparty Republicans have kept him from agreeing to even
more "revenue" than the 800B
in "flatter, fairer taxes" he says are still on the table.
BTW, calling tax increases "new revenue" doesn't show the same
creativity as the Milhouse
Solution (see below),"
but nice try. And again, what is this default
thing I keep hearing about, if we refuse to print more Monopoly money?
Default on what? Really. I'm old and afraid to go
outside. |