Friday, July 22, 2011

The URL says it all

Justin cridible


I-RIGHT-I said...

Hate to say it but it's time to make any and all drugs legal. Produce them here and tax them. End of drug cartels and end of another way for government thugs to steal our money and kill our people.

Wabano said...

What a wonderful life it will be...make a drug addict out of every other citizen...
Zombieland, here we come! What a Brave New World it will be!!!

Greybeard said...

Seems to me drugs themselves are not the big problem.
MONEY is the big problem.
We don't seem to learn from history...
Prohibition worked SO well, didn't it? It worked so well we ended up with Capone and his ilk with scary power.
Same with our "War on drugs".
It would be interesting to see how many folks we cannot even imagine are making a ton of money with the status quo.
But this should be painfully obvious:
-What we're doing is not working.
-When folks like Pablo Escobar become so powerful they can literally threaten a country's government structure, we have got to ask ourselves, "Wouldn't legalization take much of the money/power out of this trade? And wouldn't the ability to control the problem better be worth the possible downside?"

Person A- "Doctor, it hurts when I do THIS."
Doc- "Don't do that."

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty libertarian on drugs and anything else that doesnt effect me but the idea that making drugs legal will stop crime is absurd. The criminal will find some other illicit activity. I dont know the answer but I'm not sure that can of worms is worth the risk.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, money aint that easy to come by. Robbery has risks and stolen goods fetch a fraction of their real value. Armed robbery is very risky. Making book or sports betting is undermined by the state lotteries and Vegas.

Drugs are one shure way of making much bucks. The demand is there from Wall Street to the corner in the neighborhood. The war on drugs ensures that your product has a huge markup, no legal liability and tax free proceeds. Whatas not to like?

WSilentThree said...

Speaking of Capone, He was making a billion dollars per year ... in the 30's.
Think about it.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to legalize drugs because I don't want another government bureaucratic created to tax and regulate drugs.

Mark Alger said...

To focus on drugs is a cagtegory error. The original sin here is the assumption that government has the right or the legitimate authority to define and police contraband of any nature. This is not so to so many decimal places as to redefine infinity. And, as history has taught us from the beginning of both history and civilization, such attempts always -- ALWAYS -- have negative externalities, not the least of which is the creation of black markets, with all of their attendant pathologies. The restraint here has to be not on the citizens but on the state. Period. End of discussion.


Mark Alger said...

Staircase wit: You might even say that it is a natural law: Markets want to be free.


Wabano said...

The Orgy Porgies should consider that when the gov was small, not so long ago, their shit-doper kind was shot on sight...the good old days.

I-RIGHT-I said...

"the idea that making drugs legal will stop crime is absurd. The criminal will find some other illicit activity."

Name another illicit activity open to morons that generates hundreds of billions of dollars and topples governments. Besides US government taxation that is.

Kristophr said...

anonymous: Just require addicts to register, and lose the right to vote, own guns, or drive.

Add a death penalty for selling to children.

Drug companies can make drugs for pennies. Don't bother with a tax. We will get more revenue just by clearing jails, and making room for actual criminals.

No government program needed, other than an addict registry. If an addict commits a crime, he gets subjected to cold-turkey, and then gets tried afterward.

I am sick and tired of destroying the US to prevent a few percent of gutter trash from killing themselves. user rates are three times higher now than when ALL drugs were legal.

Anonymous said...

Golly, no one has commented about the self-cleansing feature of the gene pool. It works, almost 100% guaranteed.
I do not mean to disrespect any one who has a close one under the thrall of drugs and/or alcohol. I do too. What I have observed is that 1)you can't tell them what to do until 2)they have reached 'full gutter' and have to 3)decide whether they want to live or to die. YOU can do nothing. THEY will sell their children and lie through their teeth to get what 'fixes' them for a while until they need it again. There may be remorse and guilt, but it is overcome by the attraction to the product that is destroying them.
I think I understand, but remotely, as nicotine is still 'somewhat' legal in a few locations, and it is just about as hard to quit that as a lot of illicit stubstances. I know, after 30 years puffing away. Only getting hospitalized forced me to quit, and that is the only thing good to come out of that two weeks. Vertical and above ground is the goal for the day.. every day...

Make stuff legal. Plants grow all on their own. People do not 'manufacture' marijuana, unless their name begins with a capital "G", and is real short... ending in od.
Death penalty to anyone peddling to children under age of consent or still in school. No Federal jurisdiction. No DEA involvement. The profit is the motivator. Remove that, and the free market will determine price, availability and 'safeness' if that applies. Excessive profits will be shunned by competition, and the drug lords and gangs will have to find another resource. Not being of criminal mind, I cannot think of a lucrative job that doesn't require some sort of effort beyond holding a pistol and demanding their goods...

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