the Tea Party? Geez, no wonder Kerry did so well in an election. If it
wasn't for the Tea Party, they would have passed the debt ceiling
thumbs up, we would have been rated BBB.
In the end we need to address problems we know exist. A Treasury
Secretary or a President should be out here, not fighting S&P, not
grabbing the other coach and slapping him around, taking the umpire
behind the barn – he should be getting the team psyched.
Rick Santelli Father of the Tea Party
” |
the segment Santelli barely took a moment to catch his breath, as even
in the final seconds he maintained his anger as he declared it was
“reprehensible” that all of the leaders in Washington are now on
vacation for a month during this crucial time. Luckily for Tea Party
supporters and fans of unpredictable television, it’s not likely that
Santelli would ever be away for that long " |