Thursday, September 15, 2011

Death by Mallard

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leelu said...


Rodger the Real King of France said...


Spunky Texan said...

Duck Job!

Anonymous said...

For repeatedly peeing on the carpet Rover was sentenced to be nibbled to death by a duck.

DougM said...

Hope there's a happy ending.
The quack whore'll just add it to her bill.
(What? No, think I'll quit while I'm ahe... now.)

Anonymous said...

Sure it's cute...

It's all fun 'n' games until someone looses their small intestines!!!

Armageddon Rex

pdwalker said...

This reminds of a dog, a cat and a wild duck I used to have who slept and ate together.

DougM said...

I missed the first part of the joke, but I heard the dog say,
"I was talking to the duck. *bwahahaha*"

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