Saturday, September 10, 2011

McConnell and Double Dealing Republicans ...


The complicated procedure, designed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.), would allow an increase of the borrowing limit while allowing most Republicans to vote against such an increase.

I'm still stewing over this.  It's one thing to know—  as anyone with an IQ warmer than melted ice does—   that democrats are liars, commies and pedophiles.  But when the sheriff  turns out to be part of the gang,  it's just too much. Since I'm law abiding,  I'll have to hope the citizenry, now alerted to the fact that they've been playing in a crooked game for several years, don't rise as one and hang everyone in government and start new— with a provisional Barn Army government!  Today.  I'm not making this up. 


lip said...

Typical republicrat.

Anonymous said...

Playing poker with a pinochle deck?

Anonymous said...

You see no method in the madness? Obama is trapped in his spending cycle, while R's get to vote against it, but not stop it. D's get righteously tagged as tax and spenders, while R's get to run as opposed. Nothing will get fixed while Odumbo holds office. Giving our guys cover makes sense. Mitch is a damned Metternich.


Anonymous said...

Get a bigger pot - you are not the only one "stewing" - We've been had!

idahohunter said...

Well if we don't we will be truly f-cked.

Cheesy said...

More rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

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