Friday, September 09, 2011

Pure Shadenfreude

Ten Years After September 11:
Recalling the Outrageousness of the Hollywood Left

Yup - Still Dead       

“I despise him [President George W. Bush]. I despise his administration and everything they stand for....There has to be a movement now to really oppose what he is proposing because it’s unconstitutional, it’s immoral and basically illegal....It is an embarrassing time to be an American. It really is. It’s humiliating.”
— Actress Jessica Lange

“Where is the acknowledgment that this was not a ‘cowardly’ attack on ‘civilization’ or ‘liberty’ or ‘humanity’ or ‘the free world’ but an attack on the world’s self-proclaimed superpower, undertaken as a consequence of specific American alliances and actions?
— Novelist and playwright Susan Sontag

“Is Cheney a goon? I don’t mean that to be like a smart ass, but he seems like he might be a goon....My feeling about Cheney — and also Bush, but especially Cheney — is that he just couldn’t care less about Americans.
— CBS Late Show host David Letterman

There was a time when actors were not invited to mingle with polite society.  And then that changed.  So there's that.


Anonymous said...

not invited to mingle with polite society. They are still not. They hang out with Democrats who are not polite, but coarse or downright thugs; e.g, look at how many pics show Captain Bullshit with his feet on antique White House furniture, Biden's "This is a big fucking deal," at the Uhbamacare signing, ad infinitum. I wouldn't have any of them in my house.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

I have no appreciation for any of these people. My wife and I stopped watching letterman after several of his snide remarks against Bush, Palin, Palin's daughter, etc. They are despicable.

rickn8or said...

And this is the reason I rarely attend movies, never watch TV, and never buy CD's.

Greybeard said...

Steal them without shame like I do, Rick.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't say I never attend movie, never watch TV, and never buy CD's. But, very darn seldom. Last movie was Atlas Shrugged, before that at least a decade, or more. I pretty well gotta know something about the politics of the others before I put money or time into them. Which is getting to be seldom nowadays.

Even the freaking Weather Channel is getting all ate up with left-wing whackamainia global warming these days. Really, doods? Y'all ain't accurate with your forecast past yesterday, and you want to tell me what's gonna happen in twenty years? (spit).

Sir H the Comet

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