Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Obamunists Eat Puppies

Eating Puppy Meat Is the Same as Eating Pork, British TV Chef Says
Occupy Wall-Streeters Agree

But—   "Your puppy, not mine"

The 99% est eat puppies

(Sky News) - British TV chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall claimed that eating puppy meat is no more morally objectionable than consuming pork.

The celebrity chef previously shocked viewers by eating placenta pate, curried fruit bat, giraffe and calf testicles and now claims that he would not be against a "high-welfare organic puppy farm."

Fearnley-Whittingstall, the star of Channel 4's "River Cottage," was asked by British magazine Radio Times whether he would try loin of Labrador or cat liver.

"Not unless I was on the point of starvation," he replied. "In principle, but not in practice, I have no objection to a high-welfare organic puppy farm."

He added, "You can't object, unless you also object to the farming of pigs. It's an artificial construct of our society, a cultural decision, to make pets out of dogs and meat out of pigs. Both animals could be used the other way round, although pigs probably do make better meat than dogs and dogs better pets than pigs, but it's not a foregone conclusion."

Those bastards!


Anonymous said...

It's not an "artificial construct" of our society. Humans and dogs have bonded together over 1,000s of years.

It's the same kind of logic that lets baby smotherers walk. What? You don't see the connection?

Here it is in a nutshell-anything that some REgressive rationalizes as the way things should be, is hookey dookey.

Homos marrying? No problem there, after all, what do 1,000s of years of a true societal construct mean when the lord god PC must be appeased?

Abortion? Hey it's a women's choice whether or not to murder her baby, right? There's an entire dictionary of new terms to dance around abortion.

I could go on and on but once you've taken morality out of our culture, you can rationalize anything.

After all, how does eating dogs compare to leaving living, aborted human beings to die in a shoebox in a closet? A policy, BTW that President Motown voted for 3 time while an IL senator.

BlogDog said...

There's an "eating pussy" joke in there but I'm not willing to make it.

Anonymous said...

My rule of thumb: don't eat predators or, in other words, don't eat anything that can lick its own butt.

I will stick with grain or grass fed beef, lamb, pork and poultry.

Prions are indestructible proteins that can accumulate in your body. They are more likely to be found in meat from animals raised on meat. When they reach a critical mass, they turn your brain into a sponge.

Freddie Sykes

PS: Tempeh and tofu can be tasty but that's in addition to, rather than instead of, meat.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Thank you, but I think you just told one. Say Three Hail Mary's and make a good act of contrition.

molonlabe28 said...

"When they reach a critical mass, they turn your brain into a sponge."

Thanks, this explains a lot of the way my wife and I have been thinking and behaving.

I aim to kill some coyotes and bobcats on the farm real soon, but I plan to leave them for the buzzards.

And well said, Anon, in the first post about dumbing down our social mores to the lowest common denominator (white trash chic).

When I was growing up, only soldiers, sailors and prisoners had tatoos.

Now, many, many people have pretty much defiled their God-given bodies for life.

People's skin now looks like a graffiti wall in the men's room.

And then there is the unending piercing of important body parts which don't need additional holes in them.

Anything beyond earings for women, girls and real sailors is nonsense.

Although I don't care if someone is gay or straight and I have had gay friends all my life, I get tired of the in-your-face gayness that the MSM insists on telecasting (i.e. the food queer with the white hair, earing(s) and little girl mannerisms).

What happened to a threshhold level of decency on the television and radio airwaves.

I cannot believe that someone would want to listen to a porn star or stripper on the Howard Stern show while driving to work in the morning.

DougM said...

The type of person who won't discriminate between "pet" and "stock" soon won't discriminate between "child" and "slave."
Likewise, the PeTAns who want us to treat animals like people will soon have us treating people like animals.
Being civilized means being able to discriminate between right and wrong.
One dispenses with moral standards at civilization's peril.

Kristophr said...


I think you are letting your emotions get carried away.

Dogs and pigs are about equally intelligent. They are both animals. As long as they are killed humanely, what one does with the meat and hide/fur is up to the owner.

If you make a pet out of it, and name it, then it gets a free pass, of course. That goes for pigs as well as dogs.

Dogs have only one advantage over pigs ... they are better domesticated. They are probably the only animal that has learned to read human body language well. This has worked out very well for them as a species.

TimO said...

Pigs are lean meat but dogs are a little rough...

Anonymous said...

I'm not going to get involved except to say that humans have been bonding with pork for 1000's of years too.

--Sapo Mal

I-RIGHT-I said...

Only the heathen would eat a dog if there's anything else.

Reminds me of an old neighbor who was sitting at lunch with one of his heathen co-workers who offered him some of his lunch. "Mmmm, that's pretty good what is it?" "Duq" said the heathen. "Duck?” asked my neighbor. "No, duq, bow-wow"

People that eat dogs shouldn't be allowed in the country. Neither should people that have religious objections to them.

BlogDog said...

Pig wool? Pig cheese? Pigs are expensive, pink and annoying but they're also delicious. That's why we breed so many of them.

Anonymous said...

...and you can make footballs out of them.


Wabano said...

Keep in mind the Aztecs ate 500,000 people a year, butchered on these truncated pyramidal butcher blocks,
the good people picking the meat sled down the stairs on these three feet thick blood slides,
the meat being prepared home with tomato and chili sauce in gold pots...
The bag of bean was the unit currency of Mexico...
A man's daughter's meat was worth one bag of beans...the whole thing
being the consequence of a lack of stock animals...

Anonymous said...

Some years back my runnin' buddy Dave was down at Tractor Supply buying dog food for the bird dogs when he noticed a farmer selling piglets in the parking lot. Dave bought one, named it Arnold and threw it in the pen with the bird dogs.

Over time the piglet grew really fast. Evidently dog food is pretty good for pigs, too. At about 200-pounds, Dave started thining it was about time to convert Arnold into pork chops and sausage. But, there was a potential problem: Dave's young son had become attached to the pig, and Dave wasn't sure how the boy would react. But Grandpa said, let me handle it.

Grandpa took the boy and the 22-rifle down to the pen and started the pork chop conversion process. After a while, Dave Jr. comes back to the house for something to drink, and Dave asks, what do you think about all this. The boy says, well, he used to be Arnold, but now he's just meat.

Grandpas always know how to set the tone, don't they?

Sir H the Comet

Anonymous said...

A puppy farm is OK, but veal is not?

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