I saw the Drudge "PLOT:
ATF gunrunning ...," I ran down this
post from last July. The
Handgun Club of America [Props to
them] postulated that "gunnrunner" was set in motion as part of Obama's
strategy to impose gun control. Rumors to that effect went back
to 2010, but here was some meat. This is the very
first time I've seen it mentioned (by
CBS!!) since July.
Maybe I'm reading into this something that doesn't exist, but my first
thought is the Left have decided Obama must
go! That the story
featured just below is "Hillary
Clinton's campaign 'conspicuously emerges'...
may indicate
that Matt Drudge feels the same vibration.
I'll set 3-1 odds for a Hillary nomination next year. By primary
time I
expect the country will be in full recession, maybe even
depression. Riots. protests, bank closings, etc.; a regular
uprising (srsly).. Hillary
will be the nurturing, smartest woman in America candidate,
running against a hard-hearted Newt Gingrich, or Mitt Romney, who
yield to the pressures from corporate America over compassion for the
starving victims of corporate greed. Guess who