“Romney is lucky his rival was Santorum, not Palin” The nation, not so much |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Romney Lucks Out
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- pdwalker said...
Maybe everyone should vote Obama, just to hasten the coming collapse
4/11/12, 10:43 AM
Anonymous said...
That IS the dilemna, isn't it? Vote for Obama and hasten the collapse, or vote for Mitt and kick the can down the road a few months...
I'm sad for my kids. -
4/11/12, 10:51 AM
Anonymous said...
pdwalker: I hear you. 3 years ago I was a huge advocate of what's termed malicious compliance. Suck up as much government money and resources as you legally can. Tax the system. Without breaking any laws, make everything as difficult and expensive as possible for government at all levels. Create drag, obstruct, stall. But most importantly, make the fegov spend money so fast the shock will cause a massive backlash.
I was a fool to think any such action could possibly do more damage than Obama and his co-conspirators would gladly do by themselves. Worse, to think that much of America would care.
So another 4 years of Obama will simply save us the effort of this fight that we are obviously loosing. If we couldn't even get control of the Republican party under these conditions, we have no chance at winning. It's nearing time to head for the bunkers. Now one of my few remaining hopes is succession and that I'll have the resources and health to relocate to America. I'd rather this happen sooner than later while I still have some of both.
4/11/12, 11:08 AM
Anonymous said...
Best if O gets reelected. Imagine a repub landslide, first up they stop boprrowing and spending 1 tril more than they have. The economy instantly shrinks by 1 trillion. The medicine has to come but whomever presides over it will be hated and voted out ASAP.
4/11/12, 11:32 AM
Robert Mitchell Jr. said...
Man, Roger, what's with all the whiny kids posting today? A trivial problem with payroll has all these "Real Conservatives" ready to vote for Obama? Pathetic. Things were actually bad under Truman, but Ike fixed it. Things were actually bad under Carter, but Reagan fixed it. Get a grip guys!
4/11/12, 12:35 PM
Anonymous said...
Sorry, can't vote for O; can't have him select another justice. The SCOTUS has already been damaged enough by Sotomayor and Kagan. Do you really want the 5-4 decisions to go the other way?
4/11/12, 12:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Playing right into Obama's plan. All of a sudden, "conservative" sites are flooded with "Oh well, Romney is Obama, so we may as well vote for Obama anyhow."
These are very interesting "conservative" posters. I'd love to talk with some one on one. Who wants to bet they're 20 year old college "students" on the Obama campaign payroll? -
4/11/12, 1:32 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Voting for Obama is a mortal sin and with it comes eternal damnation. If Joe Stalin and Obama were the choices, you'd have to vote for Stalin because he was his own man, and not some puppet.
4/11/12, 3:15 PM
David said...
Can we survive four more years of Obama?
Can we survive another 30 years if he gets another one or two supreme court picks?
Presidents only last 4-8 years their supreme court picks can screw things up for a lifetime... -
4/11/12, 3:52 PM
Anonymous said...
Fred Thompson looked great, until he didn't. Rick Perry looked great until he didn't. Palin is what people want, but wait until they get her. I don't think it will go how all of us hope it would.
4/11/12, 9:06 PM
Chuck Martel said...
A thousand cans of food, two thousand rounds of .223, 110 gallons of fresh water, a gallon pickle jar full of silver dimes, and a KJV.
Bring it. -
4/11/12, 9:33 PM
Chuck Martel said...
Crap. I need a hundred bushels of #2 yellow dent corn and a copper still. BRB.
4/11/12, 9:35 PM
Anonymous said...
Ms Coulter may have a wrong opinion at times but her facts have always been on the mark.
Her column this week is all about how people who call Romney a RINO or even a moderate are full of nonfactual sh*t.
http://www.anncoulter.com/columns/2012-04-11.html#read_more -
4/11/12, 10:49 PM
- pdwalker said...
despair is a sin...
Robert, do you actually believe Romney is going to change anything? That the big government gop "conservatives" actually want to change anything?
Where is the next Reagan? And would he even want to take up the labors of Sisyphos?
I expect it'll be more like: "get what we can while we can and the hell with all the rest". What else explain the gop's behaviour?
SCOTUS and Uncle Rodger's comments may be the best reason to keep on trying. Who knows? Elephants may fly.
despair is a sin. I must keep reminding myself of that. -
4/12/12, 1:15 AM
Robert Mitchell Jr. said...
Well, PDwalker, let's look at his record. Taxsachusetts was going down in flames. Romney fixed that. So he seems to be pretty rated on the financial changes. What else do you think needs to be changed? The medical system? The public wants the government involved. This is a democracy, the voters are supposed to get their way. W tried bringing sense to the system (His Medicare drug program), only to get backstabbed by the "Real Republicans". So good luck with that.
Labors of Sisyphos? Please. Our only real problem at this point is some overpromises, which the Supreme Court has already said are not binding. Trivial. Oh, and our Foreign policy is a mess, just like it was under Truman, Kennedy, Carter, and Pornstar. Then we elected a Republican and the problems just seemed to fade away. Funny that.
"What else can explain the GOP's behaviour?". ? Are you talking about all the Republicans voting against Obama's budget?
Again, what's with the despair? Things were bad under Truman, we almost had a nuclear war, and the Soviets were controlling half of the State department. Things were bad under Kennedy, with his idiot "Missile Gap" and the Cuban Missile Crisis both risking nuclear war. The less said about that clown Johnson, the better. Carter? No risk of nuclear war because the national policy was "Preemptive Surrender". Rationing of Gas, and the long lines to see if you could get any, Stagflation, etc. Obama is a piker. Rejoice that our problems are so small. -
4/12/12, 2:22 PM
Cheesy said...
Robert, you are a ray of sunshine, but you bring a point to mind: It's not the caliber of man in the highest office, but the quality of the people that put him there, that really concerns me.
Even if we were to straighten everything out, what to do with everyone that have gotten used to living the parasite life? -
4/13/12, 10:21 AM
Robert Mitchell Jr. said...
Well, I would say, let them keep living that life. Just don't let them vote. Mind, with the Green Revolution, the Internet, and Orbital power satellites coming, how many of us will need to work in the future that is coming so quickly?
4/13/12, 11:53 AM