Wednesday, May 02, 2012

the 'Reconquistadors'

A Fine Comment


We are and have been caught up in a maelstrom of a heavy dose of MISDIRECTED PAYBACK as we whites pay for the sins of those who kept black slaves centuries ago here in our country. If you don't think that's enough, fasten your seat belts because on another front, the 'Reconquistadors' to our Southern border also are getting their day in U.S. courts and in the press ... as seen almost daily in the news.

One of the problems is that all news is not proportionally reported, as proven by this story NOT being on 'page one' as it ought. This story absolutely deserved national recognition.

However, I reckon that this is part and parcel of the fallout of MISDIRECTED PAYBACK, payback that every white person living in this day and age had absolutely nothing to do with. The slave-owning whites of long ago might deserve this payback, but not present day whites.

To this news article

HATE CRIME....100 Black Teens Beat Up White Couple

Or, as  Thomas Sowell put it ...

Spinning history ...  to further a political agenda based on myth is not giving back anything. Rather it's taking, stealing, from the richness of our cultural heritage which, though far from perfect, has given the world a country of unlimited opportunity.


Anonymous said...

Why don't we adopt the GE management assessment model? Every year we ship the bottom ten percent to some God-forsaken place, and give the top ten percent a tax holiday?

How do we score? I have some ideas about that too. Think of it as a combination of Survivor Island/Back to Africa where we all get a vote.


Jess said...

Some places need two or three air strikes to get the attention of the local thugs.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding quote from AmThinker today..." As Freeman editor Sheldon Richman points out, the purpose of public education is not to aid in the development of a learned populace, but to produce unthinking workers. Based off the educational system of 19th-century Prussia, America's public schools were originally designed to condition children toward a sense of "obedience, subordination and collective life.

The goal was compliance, never enlightenment."

A good example of this are northerners who believe they do not have the stench of slavery on their hands as well as the southerners they sold their slaves to. Listen to what your Marxist teacher tells you, and believe one and the same.

TimO said...

Decades ago I had a couple of teachers try to use 'white guilt' on me. When I educated to the fact that 2/3rds of my family came over in the 20th century AND that some of the ones who were already here were white indentured servants, they huffed away.

Anonymous said...

As any good publik educated person noe, Southerners invented slavery and beat their slaves senseless at every chance. Who wouldnt destroy their property in such a way, gotta be queer or somethin.


Jess said...

Maybe it's just me, but I've never found anyone that can tell me the name of even one relative that was a slave.

Wabano said...

"Stench of slavery"?
For your information, slaves in Africa where the cannibals'
surplus captured "meat", cash crop so to speak, auctioned by Arab and Jewish auctioneers at slave markets...
the purchasers where at 90% northern muslims to man their armies for their endless wars of extermination.
A very few where shipped over the ocean to both Americas. The unsold where butchered alive
on the spots for the owners'

As Cassius "Muhammad Ali" Clay at the "rumble in the jungle"said: "My ancestors
where the luckiest to have been shipped to America out of this hell hole".
Slaves in the Umma where worth less than an onion while some sold for $20,000 in New Orleans...

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