Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Lani Guinier Hypothesis

The Lani Guinier Hypothesis
systemic sociopathy

Just read CBC staff: Opposition to Obama is racist on Beltway Confidential.  I would be gob smacked if it was still  possible to be gob smacked after four-years of daily gob-smackage.  Angela Rye, Executive Director of the Congressional Black Caucus states that —
  • Obama has struggled during his first term due to racially-motivated opposition from conservatives who dislike having a black president (blah-blah-blah)
  • Conservative opposition is racially-charged, citing the use of the word "cool" in an attack ad launched by Karl Rove's Crossroads GPS superPAC (the word "unhinged" just crossed your mind, didn't it?).
Res Ipsa Loquitur
Rye then declares that "Democrats have to explain how voter ID laws are racist to help motivate black voters." Now, all of us have, and are still,  wondering how in hell anyone can mount an argument against providing identification before casting a ballot?  The arguments are just absurd.

Here comes the BINGO!

I'm proposing that the democrat machine have allowed them to justify, rationalize, and accept  that voter fraud  is  both necessary, and justified.  They can't come right out a say it in those terms, of course; us rubes would get all uppity. 

 Remember Lani Guinier? Hillary Clinton's 1993 nominee as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights?  The "Quota Queen," who had to withdraw after her advocacy for anti-constitutional  proportional representation was discovered?   Proportional representation is what it sounds like.  In simple terms, black votes are counted 2, 3, or more times,  as required to give them parity with white voters in elections.   

Lani Guinier is gone, but I see that very philosophy at work in the democrat's persistent fight against any form of voter identification.  They believe in proportional representation, and the only way they see of achieving it is through voter fraud.  You can actually hear the gears grinding away in their morally superior brainal cavities. 

"Too many black voters fail to vote because of the discouraging influence of slavery and persistent racist beat-downs by white Republican party racists.  Ergo, it is entirely proper that we be allowed to cast their ballots for them, if there is ever to be justice."

I'm pretty damned sure I'm right on this one. We're dealing with a systemic sociopathy.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you Rodger; bloody damn sick of their tripe too.
Besides the political grabass to extort money for both 'black community leaders' and their clients, I'm sick of their using 'oppressed black or African American' as an excuse for loutish, lazy or outright criminal behavior. I really don't give a shit if a person is black or not, but by damn I'm sick of trite, empty-headed, racist excuses for irresponsible leeches. Is Guinier dead or deported yet? I hope so. America in general and especially people of color would be better off without her.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Jess said...

After 50 years of the Great Society and the only result is more whining, even with a stacked deck?

I'd say the political machine is run by many that have only one qualification: denial. When every opportunity is given to some in a basket, with a bow, and all that comes from this opportunity is a complaint on the size of the basket, and the color of the bow, the low life miscreants that complain are complete failures.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, 'splain to me again how requiring *everyone* to show an ID to vote is raaaacist yet implying that black people are too ...what? impaired to be able to have or get an ID is not...


Anonymous said...

Yanno.... I had to read that last para about 6 times before I actually could make sense of it....

Didn't think they could still do that to me.
[Ha! showed me.]


Anonymous said...

Man that Lani is one ugly looking woman. And I mean ugly, u-g-l-y.
righty gomez

Skoonj said...

I completely forgot about Lani Guinier having that position. I thought she was toast because she didn't withold taxes for her illegal domestic help. I must be getting old.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

you're thinking of the first two AG nominees Hillary tried skoonj

TheOldMan said...

About 70 years ago, hundreds of thousands of US citizens of Jap ancestry were rounded up into camps, much of their property stolen, and jobs lost. Do US citizens of Jap ancestry have a problem with voter id, education, work, etc... today? Where is the NAAJP? Why are there no JAP ghettos in major American cities? The Chinks were treated as second class citizens for many years as well. They don't seem to have a problem today.

Skoonj said...

Oh. Never mind.

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