scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, July 15, 2012
1650 Coffee Ad
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Esteve said...
As Instapundit says, "what can't it do?"
7/15/12, 10:02 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Odd fact - it wasn't until later that tea made its way to England. I have never figured out why people drink tea when the could have a cup-o-joe. And it's not caffeine, because tea has just as much. MoSup is ambi-tolerant however, and I guess green teas are good for the prostate, so ... hmmmm.
7/15/12, 11:09 AM
Anonymous said...
I started drinking coffee when I was about 11 and drank it till about 2 years ago, but too many 2 pot days and clenched teeth around 4 and I started drinking tea, black tea mostly.
I still have my 10 cups or so a day but there is no way it's got as much caffeine as coffee. Plus with coffee, I was consuming one of those small 1/2 & 1/2 containers every other day and I drink my tea without it(yuck-o anyway with the milk in tea)
Haven't even had the desire for coffee since.
MM -
7/15/12, 2:01 PM
- Wabano said...
Tea was the basis of the industrial revolution,
the only way to make people work
12 hours a day instead of the usual four...
Fur trappers and lumberjacks stopped for
the TEA BREAK(that's where the "breaks" where invented)
and worked EIGHTEEN hours a day!
Chinamen insisted on getting paid in silver for their tea,
bankrupting Europe...To pay for the tea,
England smuggled opium into China...that's what the "Tea Clippers" where
hauling the other way and that how the clippers' owners,
the "Robber Barons" paid for the construction of America's railways... -
7/15/12, 2:19 PM
Anonymous said...
Read for all the Tea in China. Good historic record of the British East India Company's ordeals in stealing tea from China. And yes it helped fuel the industrial revolution providing much need calories with the cheap, abundant, sugar and milk, making workers more alert and proving cholera free liquid sustenance to polluted water British urban centers.
7/15/12, 5:23 PM
- toadold said...
Another interesting thing is until the the late 16th century IIRC,sugar was not all that available in England. Then with the development of the sugar cane fields, coffee, and tea demand increased and supply increased. While correlation is not causation it has been noted that the incident of gout started increasing at about the same time sugar consumption increased. It just may be that rich foods are not the only or even the prime irritant for those disposed to get gout.
7/15/12, 10:08 PM