scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Dead Fly Mountain
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Can you imagine how many flies that looks like if you have 10,000 separate eyes? Wow, it should be scary...
tom -
8/29/12, 11:20 AM
Anonymous said...
Not everyone on the left ignored Mia Love; some of those racists got their cheap shots in. As Drudge points out:
STAR IS BORN: Utah's Mia Love Gets Enthusiastic Reception...
WIKIPEDIA vandals call her 'dirty, worthless whore,' 'house nigger'...
Freddie Sykes -
8/29/12, 12:58 PM
- Kristophr said...
Priebus really screwed the pooch there.
If a Republican can win a seat, you harden the fuck up and support him, even if you think he's a blithering idiot.
He needs to apologize for letting his emotions get away from him, and state that he will support Akins if he can pull off a miracle and recover from his blunder enough to have a shot at actually winning.
Akins ain't leaving, because he IS an idiot. You don't get mad at idiots, you just do your best to limit their damage.
Fail on Priebus's part here. -
8/29/12, 1:02 PM
- Kristophr said...
And I think Rush hit the nail on the head here.
This whole business with delegate selection rules is the RNC overreacting like a bunch of little old ladies about the fact that the press hates Republicans.
You can't shut up lunatic fringe Social Conservatives ( Akin ) when they make gaffs. You can't shut up lunatic fringe Fiscal Conservatives ( Ronulans ) when they say spectacularly stupid things.
You need to assume that the press will always scream and throw poo like the monkeys they are, and just do the work needed to win anyway.
Once we have won often enough, we can start cleansing marxists from University positions, and reverse the damage the old Soviet Union did to our colleges. -
8/29/12, 1:09 PM
Helly said...
Sometimes I have a hard time following you, Rodge. Not sure where you're going with Dead Fly Mountain. But it did bring to mind a long forgotten story.
I love fresh corn. One of my chores on the farm was sniping the raccoons raiding our sweet corn patch. They had beaten a path from the swamp to take down the corn just before it ripened. But they breed faster than I could shoot them. One day I got the idea to put some of the carcasses up on fence posts, (this was before you had to worry about rabies) thinking it might intimidate the rest of the pack. It didn't work; animals don't believe in voodoo.
So I crafted a multi-wire electric fence around the patch. It worked so well, my father called it Stalag 13. He was never effusive with praise, but there were moments I cherish. Years later, I learned in a class that barrier control is always the 1st step in pest control. Which is why I am now an expert on immigration policy. -
8/29/12, 3:12 PM
- george said...
Yes Helly we have a low, 4" strand for the coons, and an 18' and 36" for the deer. The voodoo seems to work on crows around here.
8/29/12, 4:57 PM
- Kristophr said...
Crows are pretty damned smart, george.
8/30/12, 8:06 AM