Friday, August 10, 2012

Obama's a conservative


Conservatives like Reagan, Palin, Obama,  McDonne— !

Res Ipsa Loquitor

New liberal spin: Obama's a conservative

Academics and liberal pundits have started talking about Obama as right-of-center politically just as he has begun to reach out to independents and moderates in his reelection campaign.

Some are true critics who wish he would do more for labor and welfare recipients and implement tougher carbon limits on coal plants. Others are trying to portray Obama as a middle-of-of-the-roader attractive to moderate voters, not the liberal Mitt Romney attacks daily.

The latest claim that Obama's a conservative is being made by pundit Paul Street and University of Illinois political professor Anthony DiMaggio in a long review of the Tea Party in the influential journal Critical Sociology. In it they call Obama "deeply conservative" and eager enough for victories that he "caves in" to the GOP.

Res Ipsa Loquitor God help us. There is no such thing as a political  "moderate."  There are however the simple minded, witless,disengaged and ignorant. And what are  "independents"  independent of, or from?  The nose on their faces? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Old Chinese proverb say, "Man who walk down middle of road, get hit by truck going BOTH ways."


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