Monday, August 06, 2012

Somebody is a dirty liar

"If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a
good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what
 the hell." TRKOF&S

"dirty liar"
Res Ipsa LoquitorThat was Face the Nation's Bob Schieffer, referring to Reid's accusation that Romney has not paid taxes in 10 years.   RNC Chairman Reince Priebus on Sunday called Reid a "dirty liar." Shieffer is wrong;  Joe McCarthy was Real American.  Priebus is spot-on; Harry Reid is a liar, and a crook.

All this Harry Reid crap made me to go up the attic and pull "Abramoff" out of the Harry Reid trunk.(The relevant transcript excerpt referred to  is here)

Aside: I have in my coat pocket the names of 0 places where you can watch "The Real American-Joe McCarthy."


Anonymous said...

Ode to Harry Reid:
Start at 1:10
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Snackeater said...

Remember in 2008 when Reid made the comment about 0bama being "light-skinned" with "no Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one?" Had 0bama chosen to, he could have ruined Reid politically. But he didn't. And now Harry's paying off his "debt" to 0bama. It's the Chicago way.

And is there any truth to the rumor I've been hearing that Reid has thousands of child pornography pictures on his personal computer? Since he's being accused and the burden of proof is on him, he needs to make his computer accessible to the media. It's the only way for the people to be sure.

Anonymous said...

Snackeater - I heard about a week ago that he also has sex with dead dogs. It's been out there for a week now, and he hasn't disproved or even denied it, so it must be true. Why doesn't he put his personal and all office hard drives on the internet?
Might see some interesting real estate deals and union correspondence too.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Vernona and Soviet archives prove without a doubt that Joe McCarthy was right. The Soviets had moles all over the place. Communists really were under the bed and in the toilet. Well, their bugs were.

He was the good guy. Amerika needs a thorough cleansing. Too bad we don't have politicians of his calibre today.

Snackeater said...

Romney's response, as well as every member of his team and the RNC, should be: "If we thought that it would create jobs, we'd turn over every tax return we have." It's the economy.

Even so, Romney surrogates need to keep up the attacks--constantly demanding more details for F&F or Solyndra, to see 0bama's college transcripts, etc.--a la Trump and the birth certificate.

Even if they don't pan out, we need to keep pushing on multiple fronts. 0bama's not used to having anyone oppose him in an election--or having to answer any questions for that matter--and the gaffes are starting to show.

Squeak said...

I heard that Harry was selling dope disguised as a nun.

Squeak AKA Sherry Bvt Col. Barn Army

Kristophr said...

There is also a rumor out that Harry is addicted to Boy.

This is obviously false, and you should make sure everyone you know is aware that this rumor is false.

Anonymous said...

Maybe so, but I also wonder if Harry still beats his wife.

cmblake6 said...

McCarthy was correct, it was the spies who had infiltrated the govenment, et al, that Alinsky'd him into ridicule.

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